[HTML][HTML] Emotional expressions in human and non-human great apes

ME Kret, E Prochazkova, EHM Sterck, Z Clay - … & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2020 - Elsevier
Humans and great apes are highly social species, and encounter conspecifics throughout
their daily lives. During social interactions, they exchange information about their emotional …

Vocal contagion of emotions in non-human animals

EF Briefer - Proceedings of the Royal Society B …, 2018 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Communicating emotions to conspecifics (emotion expression) allows the regulation of
social interactions (eg approach and avoidance). Moreover, when emotions are transmitted …

African elephant alarm calls distinguish between threats from humans and bees

J Soltis, LE King, I Douglas-Hamilton, F Vollrath… - PLoS …, 2014 - journals.plos.org
The Samburu pastoralists of Northern Kenya co-exist with African elephants, Loxodonta
africana, and compete over resources such as watering holes. Audio playback experiments …

L'expression vocale des émotions chez le primate humain et non humain: une approche évolutive

M Barkat-Defradas - Langages, 2024 - shs.cairn.info
Peur, joie, dégoût, tristesse, colère, surprise sont considérés comme les six émotions
darwiniennes, dites aussi «primaires» ou encore «basiques», par opposition aux variations …

Spontaneous human laughter

MJ Owren, RT Amoss - Handbook of positive emotions, 2014 - books.google.com
Laughter is ubiquitous in human social behavior, best known for its association with humor
and mirth (O'Connell & Kowal, 2008). But this vocalization is much more than just an adjunct …

[CARTE][B] The Audience Decides: Applause-cheering, Laughter, and Booing During Debates in the Trump Era

PA Stewart - 2023 - books.google.com
The Audience Decides argues that the political parties, aided and abetted by mass media,
have abdicated one of their most important responsibilities: that of providing and vetting the …

[PDF][PDF] Laughter patterns in multi-speaker conversation data: comparison between spontaneous laughter and intentional laughter

K Wang, C Ishi, R Hayashi - Proc. of ICPhS, 2023 - internationalphoneticassociation.org
This paper presents the results of an analysis of representative patterns of laughter by 4
males and 4 females, extracted from a corpus of natural conversation speech. In this study …

[HTML][HTML] Leaders-cheaters in male group cooperation: Differences in nonverbal communication and genetic factors

R Araceli, MG Tania - Психология. Журнал Высшей школы …, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
Here we report on the results of an experimental study investigating “who?” emerges as a
leader in the context of male group cooperation and “how?” they do that. The study was …

Robot Laughter: Does an appropriate laugh facilitate the robot's humor performance?

H Zhang, X Hei, J Zhong… - 2024 33rd IEEE …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Laughter serves as a subtle social signal in human interaction, playing an essential role in
expressing emotions and facilitating social connections. However, laughter comes in various …

19. Observational research methods and politics

BJ Foster, PA Stewart - Handbook of biology and politics, 2017 - books.google.com
Political scientists have long preferred the use of self-report surveys and secondary data to
explain human political behavior (McGuire, 1993). Despite their usefulness for exploring …