Progress of constructal theory in China over the past decade
L Chen, H Feng, Z ** power consumption
XY Liu, HJ Feng, L Chen, YL Ge - Science China Technological Sciences, 2024 - Springer
A heat dissipation model of a rectangular porous fin is established based on constructal
theory. First, the constructal design of rectangular porous fin is conducted by selecting a …
theory. First, the constructal design of rectangular porous fin is conducted by selecting a …
[КНИГА][B] Convection in porous media
DA Nield, A Bejan - 2006 - Springer
By a porous medium we mean a material consisting of a solid matrix with an interconnected
void. We suppose that the solid matrix is either rigid (the usual situation) or it undergoes …
void. We suppose that the solid matrix is either rigid (the usual situation) or it undergoes …
Constructal law of design and evolution: Physics, biology, technology, and society
This is a review of the theoretical and applied progress made based on the Constructal law
of design and evolution in nature, with emphasis on the last decade. The Constructal law is …
of design and evolution in nature, with emphasis on the last decade. The Constructal law is …
Constructal design of a hybrid heat sink with rectangular microchannel and porous fin in a 3D electronic device with artificial neural-network, NSGA-II and different …
B Wu, H Feng, L Chen, Y Ge, X Liu - International Communications in Heat …, 2024 - Elsevier
Constructal theory is used to build a hybrid heat-sink model with rectangular microchannel
and porous fin in a 3D electronic device. Firstly, constructal design is conducted with …
and porous fin in a 3D electronic device. Firstly, constructal design is conducted with …
[HTML][HTML] Application of Euler neural networks with soft computing paradigm to solve nonlinear problems arising in heat transfer
In this study, a novel application of neurocomputing technique is presented for solving
nonlinear heat transfer and natural convection porous fin problems arising in almost all …
nonlinear heat transfer and natural convection porous fin problems arising in almost all …
[HTML][HTML] A study of changes in temperature profile of porous fin model using cuckoo search algorithm
For analysis of physical properties of different materials, rectangular porous fins are used to
examine the heat transformation through a system. In this paper, a metaheuristic is …
examine the heat transformation through a system. In this paper, a metaheuristic is …
Entropy generation from convective–radiative moving exponential porous fins with variable thermal conductivity and internal heat generations
The performance and thermal properties of convective–radiative rectangular and moving
exponential porous fins with variable thermal conductivity together with internal heat …
exponential porous fins with variable thermal conductivity together with internal heat …
Convection-radiation thermal analysis of triangular porous fins with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity by DTM
A Moradi, T Hayat, A Alsaedi - Energy Conversion and Management, 2014 - Elsevier
Increasing performance of porous fins is one of the common priorities nowadays. Hence
attention here is given to the convection and radiation effects in the analysis of performance …
attention here is given to the convection and radiation effects in the analysis of performance …