Transformations, transitions, or tall tales? A global review of the uptake and impact of NoSQL, blockchain, and big data analytics on the land administration sector
Unstructured data, non-relational databases, distributed databases, and big data analytics
potentially change the landscape for digital land data creation, use, management, and …
potentially change the landscape for digital land data creation, use, management, and …
An investigation into the applicability of building information models in geospatial environment in support of site selection and fire response management processes
Some tasks in the construction industry and urban management field such as site selection
and fire response management are usually managed by using a Geographical Information …
and fire response management are usually managed by using a Geographical Information …
[PDF][PDF] Adapting land administration to the institutional framework of customary tenure: The case of peri-urban Ghana
A Arko-Adjei - 2011 - research.utwente.nl
Adapting land administration to the institutional framework of customary tenure Page 1
Anthony Arko-Adjei SUSTAINABLE URBANAREAS 39 Adapting land administration to the …
Anthony Arko-Adjei SUSTAINABLE URBANAREAS 39 Adapting land administration to the …
The land administration domain model–a literature survey
The international standard for land administration, LADM, ISO 19152, has been the subject
of numerous research activities during the last one and a half decade, with topics ranging …
of numerous research activities during the last one and a half decade, with topics ranging …
Design research for cadastral systems
Cadastral information is a reference data component, of any spatial data infrastructure (SDI).
During recent years, several organisational and individual research projects have …
During recent years, several organisational and individual research projects have …
[HTML][HTML] Women's access to land and the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM): Requirements, modelling and assessment
Beyond international guidelines and agreements, over the last decade the focus of the
global development community turned to collaboratively designing technical methodologies …
global development community turned to collaboratively designing technical methodologies …
[КНИГА][B] Geo-information: technologies, applications and the environment
M Lemmens - 2011 - books.google.com
Geomatics, the handling and processing of information and data about the Earth, is one
geoscience discipline that has seen major changes in the last decade, as map** and …
geoscience discipline that has seen major changes in the last decade, as map** and …
Towards integration of 3D legal and physical objects in cadastral data models
Digital 3D cadastres are often envisaged as the visualisation of 3D property rights (legal
objects) and to some extent, their physical counterparts (physical objects) such as buildings …
objects) and to some extent, their physical counterparts (physical objects) such as buildings …
Transition from 2D to 3D real property cadastre: The case of the Slovenian cadastre
P Drobež, MK Fras, M Ferlan, A Lisec - Computers, environment and urban …, 2017 - Elsevier
The land administration system, providing a mechanism to support the management of real
properties, is one of the most crucial infrastructures of any country. This infrastructure is …
properties, is one of the most crucial infrastructures of any country. This infrastructure is …
The Cadastral triangular model
Successful economies rely on effective land administration systems. A key contributor to
land administration is the cadastral system and its support for the ongoing definition of …
land administration is the cadastral system and its support for the ongoing definition of …