Why cultural safety rather than cultural competency is required to achieve health equity: a literature review and recommended definition
Background Eliminating indigenous and ethnic health inequities requires addressing the
determinants of health inequities which includes institutionalised racism, and ensuring a …
determinants of health inequities which includes institutionalised racism, and ensuring a …
Consolidated criteria for strengthening reporting of health research involving indigenous peoples: the CONSIDER statement
Background Research reporting guidelines are increasingly commonplace and shown to
improve the quality of published health research and health outcomes. Despite severe …
improve the quality of published health research and health outcomes. Despite severe …
Considerations for cardiovascular genetic and genomic research with marginalized racial and ethnic groups and indigenous peoples: a scientific statement from the …
Historically marginalized racial and ethnic groups and Indigenous peoples are burdened by
significant health inequities that are compounded by their underrepresentation in genetic …
significant health inequities that are compounded by their underrepresentation in genetic …
(re) emergence of Pūtaiao: Conceptualising Kaupapa Māori science
TK Moko-Painting, L Hamley… - … and Planning F, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Overcoming the long-standing distrust of 'research'is especially challenging within the
colonial structures of Western science. This article aspires to rise to this challenge by …
colonial structures of Western science. This article aspires to rise to this challenge by …
Pedalling towards equity: Exploring women's cycling in a New Zealand city
M Russell, C Davies, K Wild, C Shaw - Journal of transport geography, 2021 - Elsevier
Although the benefits of cycling are well-known, in New Zealand, women cycle much less
than men. This qualitative research took a feminist intersectional approach and interviewed …
than men. This qualitative research took a feminist intersectional approach and interviewed …
He Kāinga Oranga: reflections on 25 years of measuring the improved health, wellbeing and sustainability of healthier housing
This paper reflects on the influences and outcomes of He Kāinga Oranga/Housing and
Health Research Programme over 25 years, and their impact on housing and health policy …
Health Research Programme over 25 years, and their impact on housing and health policy …
A retrospective audit of postoperative days alive and out of hospital, including before and after implementation of the WHO surgical safety checklist
Summary We implemented the World Health Organization surgical safety checklist at
Auckland City Hospital from November 2007. We hypothesised that the checklist would …
Auckland City Hospital from November 2007. We hypothesised that the checklist would …
Bereaved families' perspectives of end-of-life care. Towards a bicultural whare tapa whā older person's palliative care model
The views of family carers who provide end of life care to people of advanced age are not
commonly known. We conducted a bicultural study with bereaved New Zealand Māori …
commonly known. We conducted a bicultural study with bereaved New Zealand Māori …
Determining barriers and facilitators to engagement for families in a family-based, multicomponent healthy lifestyles intervention for children and adolescents: a …
Objectives Recruitment and retention in child and adolescent healthy lifestyle intervention
services for childhood obesity is challenging, and inequalities across social groups are …
services for childhood obesity is challenging, and inequalities across social groups are …
Reported sources of health inequities in Indigenous Peoples with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review of quantitative studies
Background To summarise the evidentiary basis related to causes of inequities in chronic
kidney disease among Indigenous Peoples. Methods We conducted a Kaupapa Māori meta …
kidney disease among Indigenous Peoples. Methods We conducted a Kaupapa Māori meta …