Performance-based contracting: a literature review and future research directions
This paper aims to provide a review and synthesis of the performance-based contracting
(PBC) literature across academic disciplines. It also seeks to examine how the operations …
(PBC) literature across academic disciplines. It also seeks to examine how the operations …
[HTML][HTML] The effectiveness of performance-based contracting in the defence sector: a systematic literature review
Performance-based contracting in the defence sector, also known as performance-based
logistics (PBL), is attracting growing interest from operations and supply management …
logistics (PBL), is attracting growing interest from operations and supply management …
Performance-based contracting in service supply chains: a service provider risk perspective
Purpose–The performance of service supply chains in terms of service levels and cost
efficiency depends not only on the effort of service providers but also on the inputs of sub …
efficiency depends not only on the effort of service providers but also on the inputs of sub …
Missing performance management and measurement aspects in performance-based contracting: A systematic process-based literature analysis of an astonishing …
Purpose Performance-based contracting (PBC) is a business model for the adaptive and
innovative delivery of product-service systems. In PBC, the provider is paid according to the …
innovative delivery of product-service systems. In PBC, the provider is paid according to the …
Simultaneous consideration of system design and post-production support network decisions in the context of a performance-based contract
In times of shrinking margins, researchers are looking for more cost-effective and profitable
ways to improve the post-production support of large-scale, complex systems. There is an …
ways to improve the post-production support of large-scale, complex systems. There is an …
Quality investment as a catalyst for successful performance-based contracts: a relational view perspective
Purpose Performance-based contracting (PBC) has been gaining popularity over the years.
However, empirical studies investigating the impact of PBC features have been limited. The …
However, empirical studies investigating the impact of PBC features have been limited. The …
The impact of parts obsolescence on contracts for durable goods with after-sales service
High-quality product support is vital for production, because utility can only be generated by
working equipment and system downtime can cause serious consequences. Thus, the …
working equipment and system downtime can cause serious consequences. Thus, the …
Performance-based logistics–an illusive panacea or a concept for the future?
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to summarize previously reported benefits, drawbacks
and important aspects for implementation of performance-based logistics (PBL), and to …
and important aspects for implementation of performance-based logistics (PBL), and to …
The use of performance measurement system in logistics change process: proposal of a guide
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to analyze how performance measurement systems
(PMSs) can be used to support the key elements of the logistics change process …
(PMSs) can be used to support the key elements of the logistics change process …
Service-dominant logic and performance-based contracting: a systems thinking perspective
This paper extends recent theoretical advances by merging service-dominant logic (SD
logic) and performance-based contracting (PBC). SD logic is a conceptual frame of …
logic) and performance-based contracting (PBC). SD logic is a conceptual frame of …