Recent advances in 2D material theory, synthesis, properties, and applications
Two-dimensional (2D) material research is rapidly evolving to broaden the spectrum of
emergent 2D systems. Here, we review recent advances in the theory, synthesis …
emergent 2D systems. Here, we review recent advances in the theory, synthesis …
Recent advances in 2D superconductors
The emergence of superconductivity in 2D materials has attracted much attention and there
has been rapid development in recent years because of their fruitful physical properties …
has been rapid development in recent years because of their fruitful physical properties …
Intercalated architecture of MA2Z4 family layered van der Waals materials with emerging topological, magnetic and superconducting properties
The search for new two-dimensional monolayers with diverse electronic properties has
attracted growing interest in recent years. Here, we present an approach to construct MA2Z4 …
attracted growing interest in recent years. Here, we present an approach to construct MA2Z4 …
Quantum phase transitions in two-dimensional superconductors: a review on recent experimental progress
Superconductor–insulator/metal transition (SMT) as a paradigm of quantum phase transition
has been a research highlight over the last three decades. Benefit from recent developments …
has been a research highlight over the last three decades. Benefit from recent developments …
Type-II Ising pairing in few-layer stanene
Spin-orbit coupling has proven indispensable in the realization of topological materials and,
more recently, Ising pairing in two-dimensional superconductors. This pairing mechanism …
more recently, Ising pairing in two-dimensional superconductors. This pairing mechanism …
Type-II Ising superconductivity in two-dimensional materials with spin-orbit coupling
Centrosymmetric materials with spin-degenerate bands are generally considered to be
trivial for spintronics and related physics. In two-dimensional (2D) materials with multiple …
trivial for spintronics and related physics. In two-dimensional (2D) materials with multiple …
[HTML][HTML] Recent progresses in two-dimensional Ising superconductivity
Ever since its first discovery in 1911, superconductivity, which is an ordered phase of
electronic state, has been regarded as one of the most fascinating topics in modern physics …
electronic state, has been regarded as one of the most fascinating topics in modern physics …
Type-II Ising superconductivity and anomalous metallic state in macro-size ambient-stable ultrathin crystalline films
Recent emergence of two-dimensional (2D) crystalline superconductors has provided a
promising platform to investigate novel quantum physics and potential applications. To …
promising platform to investigate novel quantum physics and potential applications. To …
Tunable Mirror‐Symmetric Type‐III Ising Superconductivity in Atomically‐Thin Natural Van der Waals Heterostructures
X Sun, Z Deng, Y Yang, S Yu, Y Huang, Y Lu… - Advanced …, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Van der Waals (vdW) crystals with strong spin‐orbit coupling (SOC) provide great
opportunities for exploring unconventional 2D superconductors, wherein new pairing states …
opportunities for exploring unconventional 2D superconductors, wherein new pairing states …
Atomic-layer Rashba-type superconductor protected by dynamic spin-momentum locking
S Yoshizawa, T Kobayashi, Y Nakata, K Yaji… - Nature …, 2021 -
Spin-momentum locking is essential to the spin-split Fermi surfaces of inversion-symmetry
broken materials, which are caused by either Rashba-type or Zeeman-type spin-orbit …
broken materials, which are caused by either Rashba-type or Zeeman-type spin-orbit …