Fractal geometry in quantum mechanics, field theory and spin systems
H Kröger - Physics Reports, 2000 - Elsevier
The goal of this article is to review the role of fractal geometry in quantum physics. There are
two aspects:(a) The geometry of underlying space (space–time in relativistic systems) is …
two aspects:(a) The geometry of underlying space (space–time in relativistic systems) is …
Majorana loop models for measurement-only quantum circuits
Projective measurements in random quantum circuits lead to a rich breadth of entanglement
phases and extend the realm of nonunitary quantum dynamics. Here, we explore the …
phases and extend the realm of nonunitary quantum dynamics. Here, we explore the …
Generalization of the fortuin-kasteleyn-swendsen-wang representation and monte carlo algorithm
We give a simple explanation of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm for Potts models in terms of
a joint model of Potts spin variables interacting with bond occupation variables. We then …
a joint model of Potts spin variables interacting with bond occupation variables. We then …
The fixed-scale transformation approach to fractal growth
Irreversible fractal-growth models like diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) and the dielectric
breakdown model (DBM) have confronted us with theoretical problems of a new type for …
breakdown model (DBM) have confronted us with theoretical problems of a new type for …
Long-range correlated percolation
A Weinrib - Physical Review B, 1984 - APS
This paper is a study of the percolation problem with long-range correlations in the site or
bond occupations. An extension of the Harris criterion for the relevance of the correlations is …
bond occupations. An extension of the Harris criterion for the relevance of the correlations is …
Entanglement entropy and twist fields
M Caraglio, F Gliozzi - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008 - iopscience.iop.org
The entanglement entropy of a subsystem A of a quantum system is expressed, in the
replica approach, through analytic continuation with respect to n of the trace of the n-th …
replica approach, through analytic continuation with respect to n of the trace of the n-th …
Fractal structure of Ising and Potts clusters: exact results
A Coniglio - Physical review letters, 1989 - APS
It is shown that previously defined clusters, which give a geometrical description of the
fluctuations in the q-state Potts model, at criticality have a fractal structure made of links and …
fluctuations in the q-state Potts model, at criticality have a fractal structure made of links and …
Percolation, clusters, and phase transitions in spin models
CK Hu - Physical Review B, 1984 - APS
The phase transition in the Ising model and the percolation transition in the lattice
percolation model have many common characteristics which have motivated researchers to …
percolation model have many common characteristics which have motivated researchers to …
On three-point connectivity in two-dimensional percolation
G Delfino, J Viti - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2010 - iopscience.iop.org
Fast Track Communication Page 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
FAST TRACK COMMUNICATION On three-point connectivity in two-dimensional …
FAST TRACK COMMUNICATION On three-point connectivity in two-dimensional …
Fractal dimension and grand universality of critical phenomena
F Family - Journal of Statistical Physics, 1984 - Springer
Conformation of branched random fractals formed in equilibrium processes is discussed
using a Flory-type theory. Within this approach we find only three distinct types or classes of …
using a Flory-type theory. Within this approach we find only three distinct types or classes of …