[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive survey on deep facial expression recognition: challenges, applications, and future guidelines
Facial expression recognition (FER) is an emerging and multifaceted research topic.
Applications of FER in healthcare, security, safe driving, and so forth have contributed to the …
Applications of FER in healthcare, security, safe driving, and so forth have contributed to the …
A comprehensive review on vision-based violence detection in surveillance videos
Recent advancements in intelligent surveillance systems for video analysis have been a
topic of great interest in the research community due to the vast number of applications to …
topic of great interest in the research community due to the vast number of applications to …
Vision transformer and deep sequence learning for human activity recognition in surveillance videos
Human Activity Recognition is an active research area with several Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) based features extraction and classification methods employed for …
Network (CNN) based features extraction and classification methods employed for …
Intelligent dual stream CNN and echo state network for anomaly detection
Traditional video surveillance systems detect abnormal events via human involvement,
which is exhausting and erroneous, while computer vision-based automated anomaly …
which is exhausting and erroneous, while computer vision-based automated anomaly …
An overview of violence detection techniques: current challenges and future directions
Abstract The Big Video Data generated in today's smart cities has raised concerns from its
purposeful usage perspective, where surveillance cameras, among many others are the …
purposeful usage perspective, where surveillance cameras, among many others are the …
Vd-net: An edge vision-based surveillance system for violence detection
The automation of surveillance systems, driven by the rapid development of computer vision
technology, has significantly enhanced the analysis of surveillance videos, particularly in …
technology, has significantly enhanced the analysis of surveillance videos, particularly in …
[HTML][HTML] Shots segmentation-based optimized dual-stream framework for robust human activity recognition in surveillance video
Nowadays, for controlling crime, surveillance cameras are typically installed in all public
places to ensure urban safety and security. However, automating Human Activity …
places to ensure urban safety and security. However, automating Human Activity …
A Hybrid Deep Learning‐Based Network for Photovoltaic Power Forecasting
For efficient energy distribution, microgrids (MG) provide significant assistance to main grids
and act as a bridge between the power generation and consumption. Renewable energy …
and act as a bridge between the power generation and consumption. Renewable energy …
Deep Learning‐Assisted Short‐Term Power Load Forecasting Using Deep Convolutional LSTM and Stacked GRU
Over the decades, a rapid upsurge in electricity demand has been observed due to
overpopulation and technological growth. The optimum production of energy is mandatory to …
overpopulation and technological growth. The optimum production of energy is mandatory to …
Abnormal activity recognition from surveillance videos using convolutional neural network
Background and motivation: Every year, millions of Muslims worldwide come to Mecca to
perform the Hajj. In order to maintain the security of the pilgrims, the Saudi government has …
perform the Hajj. In order to maintain the security of the pilgrims, the Saudi government has …