An AES smart card implementation resistant to power analysis attacks
In this article we describe an efficient AES software implementation that is well suited for 8-
bit smart cards and resistant against power analysis attacks. Our implementation masks the …
bit smart cards and resistant against power analysis attacks. Our implementation masks the …
Block ciphers that are easier to mask: How far can we go?
The design and analysis of lightweight block ciphers has been a very active research area
over the last couple of years, with many innovative proposals trying to optimize different …
over the last couple of years, with many innovative proposals trying to optimize different …
Higher order masking of the AES
K Schramm, C Paar - Topics in Cryptology–CT-RSA 2006: The …, 2006 - Springer
The development of masking schemes to secure AES implementations against side channel
attacks is a topic of ongoing research. Many different approaches focus on the AES S-box …
attacks is a topic of ongoing research. Many different approaches focus on the AES S-box …
A lightweight masked AES implementation for securing IoT against CPA attacks
A false key-based advanced encryption standard (AES) technique is proposed to prevent
the stored secret key leaking from the substitution-box under correlation power analysis …
the stored secret key leaking from the substitution-box under correlation power analysis …
An updated survey on secure ECC implementations: Attacks, countermeasures and cost
Unprotected implementations of cryptographic primitives are vulnerable to physical attacks.
While the adversary only needs to succeed in one out of many attack methods, the …
While the adversary only needs to succeed in one out of many attack methods, the …
Algebraic side-channel attacks on the AES: Why time also matters in DPA
Algebraic side-channel attacks have been recently introduced as a powerful cryptanalysis
technique against block ciphers. These attacks represent both a target algorithm and its …
technique against block ciphers. These attacks represent both a target algorithm and its …
[KNYGA][B] Wireless security and cryptography: specifications and implementations
As the use of wireless devices becomes widespread, so does the need for strong and
secure transport protocols. Even with this intensified need for securing systems, using …
secure transport protocols. Even with this intensified need for securing systems, using …
A fast and provably secure higher-order masking of AES S-box
This paper proposes an efficient and secure higher-order masking algorithm for AES S-box
that consumes the most computation time of the higher-order masked AES. During the past …
that consumes the most computation time of the higher-order masked AES. During the past …
Improved side-channel collision attacks on AES
A Bogdanov - Selected Areas in Cryptography: 14th International …, 2007 - Springer
Side-channel collision attacks were proposed in [1] and applied to AES in [2]. These are
based on detecting collisions in certain positions of the internal state after the first AES round …
based on detecting collisions in certain positions of the internal state after the first AES round …
Conversion of security proofs from one leakage model to another: A new issue
To guarantee the security of a cryptographic implementation against Side Channel Attacks,
a common approach is to formally prove the security of the corresponding scheme in a …
a common approach is to formally prove the security of the corresponding scheme in a …