Experimental study of the interaction of subpicosecond laser pulses with solid targets of varying initial scale lengths

S Bastiani, A Rousse, JP Geindre, P Audebert, C Quoix… - Physical Review E, 1997‏ - APS
We have studied experimentally the angular and energy distribution of the suprathermal
electrons produced during the interaction of a 120 fs, 50 mJ, 800 nm, P-polarized laser pulse …

A review of ultrafast optics and optoelectronics

G Steinmeyer - Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2002‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The speed of optoelectronic devices is normally limited by the components used on the
electronic side of the device. The direct generation of short light pulses from short current …

Angular chirp and tilted light pulses in CPA lasers

G Pretzler, A Kasper, KJ Witte - Applied Physics B, 2000‏ - Springer
We investigate analytically and experimentally various aspects of the angular chirp of
ultrashort laser pulses. This type of chirp is easily produced by slight misalignment of …

Time-and space-resolved optical probing of femtosecond-laser-driven shock waves in aluminum

R Evans, AD Badger, F Fallies, M Mahdieh, TA Hall… - Physical review …, 1996‏ - APS
We present the first measurements of particle velocity histories at the interface between an
aluminum sample shocked by a 120 fs laser-driven pressure pulse and a fused silica …

High energy polyenergetic ion selection systems, ion beam therapy systems, and ion beam treatment centers

CMC Ma - US Patent 7,317,192, 2008‏ - Google Patents
4,022,927 4,069,457 4,297,191 4,344,019 4,529,571 4,715,038 4,870,287 4,937,532
5,175,755 5, 192,869 5,235,606 5,317,616 5,335,258 5,382,914 5,394,411 5,394.452 …

Direct measurement of the spectral phase of femtosecond pulses

KC Chu, JP Heritage, RS Grant, KX Liu, A Dienes… - Optics Letters, 1995‏ - opg.optica.org
We measure the spectral phase of femtosecond optical pulses using a time–frequency
analog of Young's double-slit interference. A pair of narrow slits in an opaque sheet selects …

Adaptive control of pulse phase in a chirped-pulse amplifier

A Efimov, MD Moores, NM Beach, JL Krause… - Optics Letters, 1998‏ - opg.optica.org
Using experimental feedback, we demonstrate that a chirped-pulse amplifier can adaptively
learn to compensate for the higher-order phase dispersion that is inherent in the …

Production of  > 1021 W/cm2 from a large-aperture. Ti:sapphire laser system

JD Bonlie, F Patterson, D Price, B White, P Springer - Applied Physics B, 2000‏ - Springer
We have successfully developed a laser system to produce pulses with a wavelength
centered at 800 nm, energies above 15 J, temporally compressed to 75 fs and focused to …

Spectral determination of the amplitude and the phase of intense ultrashort optical pulses

ETJ Nibbering, MA Franco, BS Prade… - Journal of the Optical …, 1996‏ - opg.optica.org
We present the results of the spectral analysis of intense ultrashort laser pulses propagating
through nonlinear transparent media. We discuss the spectral features characteristic of the …

Terawatt Ti: sapphire laser with a spherical reflective-optic pulse expander

D Du, J Squier, S Kane, G Korn, G Mourou… - Optics letters, 1995‏ - opg.optica.org
Terawatt Ti:sapphire laser with a spherical reflective-optic pulse expander clickable element to
expand a topic LOGIN OR CREATE ACCOUNT PRISM SUBMISSION This website uses …