Dynamic relaxations and relaxation-property relationships in metallic glasses
WH Wang - Progress in Materials Science, 2019 - Elsevier
Dynamic relaxation is an intrinsic and universal feature of glasses and enables fluctuation
and dissipation to occur, which induces plentiful behaviour, maintains equilibrium, and …
and dissipation to occur, which induces plentiful behaviour, maintains equilibrium, and …
Equivalence of the Boson Peak in Glasses to the<? format?> Transverse Acoustic van Hove Singularity in Crystals
We compare the atomic dynamics of the glass to that of the relevant crystal. In the spectra of
inelastic scattering, the boson peak of the glass appears higher than the transverse acoustic …
inelastic scattering, the boson peak of the glass appears higher than the transverse acoustic …
Unraveling the mechanism of nanoscale mechanical reinforcement in glassy polymer nanocomposites
The mechanical reinforcement of polymer nanocomposites (PNCs) above the glass
transition temperature, T g, has been extensively studied. However, not much is known …
transition temperature, T g, has been extensively studied. However, not much is known …
Physical origins of thermal properties of cement paste
Despite the ever-increasing interest in multiscale porous materials, the chemophysical origin
of their thermal properties at the nanoscale and its connection to the macroscale properties …
of their thermal properties at the nanoscale and its connection to the macroscale properties …
Tuning structural parameters for the optimization of drug delivery performance of cyclodextrin-based nanosponges
Introduction: In light of the recent development of new soft materials, nanostructured self-
assembled systems have attracted attention in a variety of technological fields of high social …
assembled systems have attracted attention in a variety of technological fields of high social …
Low-frequency vibrations of soft colloidal glasses
We conduct experiments on two-dimensional packings of colloidal thermosensitive hydrogel
particles whose packing fraction can be tuned above the jamming transition by varying the …
particles whose packing fraction can be tuned above the jamming transition by varying the …
Equation of state and entropy theory approach to thermodynamic scaling in polymeric glass-forming liquids
Numerous experimental and computational studies have established that most liquids seem
to exhibit a remarkable, yet poorly understood, property termed “thermodynamic scaling”, in …
to exhibit a remarkable, yet poorly understood, property termed “thermodynamic scaling”, in …
Relaxation phenomena in vitrifying polymers and molecular liquids
CM Roland - Macromolecules, 2010 - ACS Publications
Recent experimental results on the dynamics of glass-forming materials, particularly
polymers, are surveyed. The focus is on aspects of the behavior that are connected to or …
polymers, are surveyed. The focus is on aspects of the behavior that are connected to or …
Local deformation of glasses is mediated by rigidity fluctuation on nanometer scale
Microscopic deformation processes determine defect formation on glass surfaces and, thus,
the material's resistance to mechanical failure. While the macroscopic strength of most …
the material's resistance to mechanical failure. While the macroscopic strength of most …
Why many polymers are so fragile: A new perspective
Many polymers exhibit much steeper temperature dependence of their structural relaxation
time (higher fragility) than liquids of small molecules, and the mechanism of this unusually …
time (higher fragility) than liquids of small molecules, and the mechanism of this unusually …