Recent inventions in additive manufacturing: Holistic review
This general review paper presents a condensed view of recent inventions in the Additive
Manufacturing (AM) field. It outlines factors affecting the development and commercialization …
Manufacturing (AM) field. It outlines factors affecting the development and commercialization …
Bio-mimicking nano and micro-structured surface fabrication for antibacterial properties in medical implants
Orthopaedic and dental implants have become a staple of the medical industry and with an
ageing population and growing culture for active lifestyles, this trend is forecast to continue …
ageing population and growing culture for active lifestyles, this trend is forecast to continue …
The production of 3D tumor spheroids for cancer drug discovery
New cancer drug approval rates are≤ 5% despite significant investments in cancer
research, drug discovery and development. One strategy to improve the rate of success of …
research, drug discovery and development. One strategy to improve the rate of success of …
Mechanisms, capabilities, and applications of high‐resolution electrohydrodynamic jet printing
This review gives an overview of techniques used for high‐resolution jet printing that rely on
electrohydrodynamically induced flows. Such methods enable the direct, additive patterning …
electrohydrodynamically induced flows. Such methods enable the direct, additive patterning …
Graphene-based nanomaterials for drug delivery and tissue engineering
Nanomaterials offer interesting physicochemical and biological properties for biomedical
applications due to their small size, large surface area and ability to interface/interact with …
applications due to their small size, large surface area and ability to interface/interact with …
Organ‐on‐a‐chip platforms: a convergence of advanced materials, cells, and microscale technologies
Significant advances in biomaterials, stem cell biology, and microscale technologies have
enabled the fabrication of biologically relevant tissues and organs. Such tissues and organs …
enabled the fabrication of biologically relevant tissues and organs. Such tissues and organs …
A review of three-dimensional printing in tissue engineering
Recent advances in three-dimensional (3D) printing technologies have led to a rapid
expansion of applications from the creation of anatomical training models for complex …
expansion of applications from the creation of anatomical training models for complex …
Micro and nanoscale technologies in oral drug delivery
Oral administration is a pillar of the pharmaceutical industry and yet it remains challenging to
administer hydrophilic therapeutics by the oral route. Smart and controlled oral drug delivery …
administer hydrophilic therapeutics by the oral route. Smart and controlled oral drug delivery …
Applications of nanocomposite hydrogels for biomedical engineering and environmental protection
Nanocomposite hydrogels are polymeric networks that possess a unique property of
hydration. The presence of alcohols, carboxylic acids and amides as hydrophilic moieties in …
hydration. The presence of alcohols, carboxylic acids and amides as hydrophilic moieties in …
Hydrogel scaffolds to deliver cell therapies for wound healing
Cutaneous wounds are a growing global health burden as a result of an aging population
coupled with increasing incidence of diabetes, obesity, and cancer. Cell-based approaches …
coupled with increasing incidence of diabetes, obesity, and cancer. Cell-based approaches …