Mini-map design features as a navigation aid in the virtual geographical space based on video games
The main objective of this study is to identify features of mini-map design as a navigational
aid in the virtual geographical space in 100 popular video games for a computer platform …
aid in the virtual geographical space in 100 popular video games for a computer platform …
Cognitive issues of mobile map design and use
Internet-connected mobile devices have changed how people access information. Like other
information sources, maps have benefited from and been re-envisioned for mobile devices …
information sources, maps have benefited from and been re-envisioned for mobile devices …
Where spatial visualization meets landscape research and “Pinballology”: examples of landscape construction in pinball games
D Edler - KN-Journal of Cartography and Geographic …, 2020 - Springer
Maps and map-like visualizations in digital games have been repeatedly addressed in
research of cartography and related disciplines. For example, visualization techniques and …
research of cartography and related disciplines. For example, visualization techniques and …
MapUncover: Fostering spatial exploration through gamification in mobile map apps
Getting from A to B has never been easier. Mobile navigation systems allow universal
access to spatial information. However, following detailed route instructions leads to a …
access to spatial information. However, following detailed route instructions leads to a …
Una profesora'flaneuse'en París. Cartografías en la formación inicial de docentes
A Alonso Sanz - 2020 -
Este estudio se fundamenta en las bases de la deriva artística, como técnica etnográfica
para explorar el territorio urbano, iniciada por Surrealistas y Situacionistas. La autora …
para explorar el territorio urbano, iniciada por Surrealistas y Situacionistas. La autora …
Using gamification to increase map data production during humanitarian volunteered geographic information (VGI) campaigns
Volunteered geographic information (VGI) offers a solution to inequalities in authoritative
map data that can limit our response to humanitarian crises. However, sustaining voluntary …
map data that can limit our response to humanitarian crises. However, sustaining voluntary …
[PDF][PDF] La deriva paralela como método en la investigación basada en las artes
Presentamos la deriva paralela como un nuevo método de investigación basado en las
artes. Exponemos los orígenes de la deriva, como medio de expresión artístico en el siglo …
artes. Exponemos los orígenes de la deriva, como medio de expresión artístico en el siglo …
Citizen science for pedestrian cartography: collection and moderation of walkable routes in cities through mobile gamification
I Kapenekakis, K Chorianopoulos - Human-centric Computing and …, 2017 - Springer
Digital geographical maps can be regarded as a user interface for understanding and
navigating the city. Nevertheless, contemporary digital maps over-emphasize the needs of …
navigating the city. Nevertheless, contemporary digital maps over-emphasize the needs of …
Map symbols in video games: The example of “Valheim”
The main focus of this article is to examine the interpretation of twelve cartographic symbols
on the map in Valheim. The authors set the research goal: to investigate how players and …
on the map in Valheim. The authors set the research goal: to investigate how players and …
More-Than-Human Future Cities: From the design of nature to designing for and through nature.
This paper examines ways in which media architecture and information design can
contribute to multispecies wellbeing and coexistence in urban and peri-urban environments …
contribute to multispecies wellbeing and coexistence in urban and peri-urban environments …