Does quality work work? A systematic review of academic literature on quality initiatives in higher education

C Bloch, L Degn, S Nygaard… - Assessment & Evaluation …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Quality in higher education is–and has been for many years-at the top of the political
agenda. The concept of quality has been explored extensively in the literature as has the …

Universidad y pandemia: la comunicación en la educación a distancia

MJF Torres, RC Sánchez… - Ámbitos. Revista …, 2021 -
El estado de alarma causado por la COVID-19 invadió precipitadamente nuestras vidas con
implicaciones no solo políticas, económicas o sanitarias, sino también educativas. La …

Improving the quality of e‐learning: lessons from the eMM

S Marshall - Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The quality of e‐learning can be defined in many different ways, reflecting different
stakeholders and the complexity of the systems and processes used in higher education …

Distance Learning Students' Evaluation of E-Learning System in University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.

MQB Al-Juda - Journal of Education and Learning, 2017 - ERIC
This study evaluates the experiences and perceptions of students regarding e-learning
systems and their preparedness for e-learning. It also investigates the overall perceptions of …

Consensus among stakeholders about success factors and indicators for quality of online and blended learning in adult education: a Delphi study

Y Blieck, I Ooghe, C Zhu, K Depryck… - Studies in Continuing …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Quality models for online and blended learning (OBL) have mainly been developed in
higher education. The literature indicates that these models are often conceptualised from …

Açık ve uzaktan eğitimde akreditasyon yeterlilik düzeyinin incelenmesi

E Can - 2012 -
Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, Türkiye'de yükseköğretimde açık ve uzaktan eğitim alanında
akreditasyon yeterlilik düzeyini öğretmen, öğrenci, yönetici, personel ve öğretim …

Measuring Students e–Readiness for e–Learning at Egyptian Faculties of Tourism and Hotels

IEH Ali - Conference proceedings of» eLearning and Software …, 2010 -
E learning is becoming increasingly prominent in higher education, with universities
increasing provision and more students signing up. This research measures the students'e …

Evaluation of e-campus-based e-learning implementation by mathematics education study program students at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta

H Rosiyanti - … conference on Folklore, language, education and …, 2020 -
E-Learning could be interpreted as a form of information technology applied in the field of
education. E-learning used was an e-campus system. Because learning resources had …

[PDF][PDF] Pembelajaran e-learning perkembangan anak di jurusan psikologi

RN Khoirunnisa, DK Dewi… - Jurnal Psikologi Teori …, 2018 -
Metode pembelajaran konvensional dirasakan menjadi kurang efektif karena terbentur
masalah ruang dan waktu. Teknologi Informasi menawarkan metode pembelajaran yang …

[PDF][PDF] Penyesuaian Diri: Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Q Fanani - 2021 -
Tak lupa kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah mendukung
terselesaikannya buku ini. Buku ini, membahas tentang bagaimana penyesuaian diri para …