Synergistic pretraining of parametrized quantum circuits via tensor networks
Parametrized quantum circuits (PQCs) represent a promising framework for using present-
day quantum hardware to solve diverse problems in materials science, quantum chemistry …
day quantum hardware to solve diverse problems in materials science, quantum chemistry …
Absence of barren plateaus in finite local-depth circuits with long-range entanglement
Ground state preparation is classically intractable for general Hamiltonians. On quantum
devices, shallow parametrized circuits can be effectively trained to obtain short-range …
devices, shallow parametrized circuits can be effectively trained to obtain short-range …
Decomposition of matrix product states into shallow quantum circuits
Tensor networks (TNs) are a family of computational methods built on graph-structured
factorizations of large tensors, which have long represented state-of-the-art methods for the …
factorizations of large tensors, which have long represented state-of-the-art methods for the …
Quantum state preparation using tensor networks
Quantum state preparation is a vital routine in many quantum algorithms, including solution
of linear systems of equations, Monte Carlo simulations, quantum sampling, and machine …
of linear systems of equations, Monte Carlo simulations, quantum sampling, and machine …
Tensor networks for interpretable and efficient quantum-inspired machine learning
SJ Ran, G Su - Intelligent Computing, 2023 - spj.science.org
It is a critical challenge to simultaneously achieve high interpretability and high efficiency
with the current schemes of deep machine learning (ML). The tensor network (TN), a well …
with the current schemes of deep machine learning (ML). The tensor network (TN), a well …
Quantum machine learning for next-G wireless communications: Fundamentals and the path ahead
A comprehensive coverage of the state-of-the-art in quantum machine learning (QML)
methodologies, with a unique perspective on their applications for wireless communications …
methodologies, with a unique perspective on their applications for wireless communications …
Synergy between quantum circuits and tensor networks: Short-cutting the race to practical quantum advantage
While recent breakthroughs have proven the ability of noisy intermediate-scale quantum
(NISQ) devices to achieve quantum advantage in classically-intractable sampling tasks, the …
(NISQ) devices to achieve quantum advantage in classically-intractable sampling tasks, the …
Automatic quantum circuit encoding of a given arbitrary quantum state
We introduce an quantum-classical hybrid algorithm, named automatic quantum circuit
encoding (AQCE), that is designed to encode an arbitrary quantum state| Ψ〉 onto an …
encoding (AQCE), that is designed to encode an arbitrary quantum state| Ψ〉 onto an …
Tensor quantum programming
A Termanova, A Melnikov, E Mamenchikov… - New Journal of …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
Running quantum algorithms often involves implementing complex quantum circuits with
such a large number of multi-qubit gates that the challenge of tackling practical applications …
such a large number of multi-qubit gates that the challenge of tackling practical applications …
Variational preparation of entangled states on quantum computers
We propose a variational approach for preparing entangled quantum states on quantum
computers. The methodology involves training a unitary operation to match with a target …
computers. The methodology involves training a unitary operation to match with a target …