Toward a new era of SERS and TERS at the nanometer scale: From fundamentals to innovative applications
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS)
have opened a variety of exciting research fields. However, although a vast number of …
have opened a variety of exciting research fields. However, although a vast number of …
The rise and current status of polaritonic photochemistry and photophysics
The interaction between molecular electronic transitions and electromagnetic fields can be
enlarged to the point where distinct hybrid light–matter states, polaritons, emerge. The …
enlarged to the point where distinct hybrid light–matter states, polaritons, emerge. The …
Strong light–matter interactions: a new direction within chemistry
It is possible to modify the chemical and physical properties of molecules, not only through
chemical modifications but also by coupling molecules strongly to light. More intriguingly …
chemical modifications but also by coupling molecules strongly to light. More intriguingly …
Tilting a ground-state reactivity landscape by vibrational strong coupling
Many chemical methods have been developed to favor a particular product in
transformations of compounds that have two or more reactive sites. We explored a different …
transformations of compounds that have two or more reactive sites. We explored a different …
Novel nanostructures and materials for strong light–matter interactions
Quantum mechanical interactions between electromagnetic radiation and matter underlie a
broad spectrum of optical phenomena. Strong light-matter interactions result in the well …
broad spectrum of optical phenomena. Strong light-matter interactions result in the well …
What's so hot about electrons in metal nanoparticles?
Metal nanoparticles are excellent light absorbers. The absorption processes create highly
excited electron–hole pairs, and recently there has been interest in harnessing these hot …
excited electron–hole pairs, and recently there has been interest in harnessing these hot …
Strong coupling and induced transparency at room temperature with single quantum dots and gap plasmons
Coherent coupling between plasmons and transition dipole moments in emitters can lead to
two distinct spectral effects: vacuum Rabi splitting at strong coupling strengths, and induced …
two distinct spectral effects: vacuum Rabi splitting at strong coupling strengths, and induced …
Suppression of photo-oxidation of organic chromophores by strong coupling to plasmonic nanoantennas
Intermixed light-matter quasi-particles—polaritons—have unique optical properties owing to
their compositional nature. These intriguing hybrid states have been extensively studied …
their compositional nature. These intriguing hybrid states have been extensively studied …
Quantum nanophotonics in two-dimensional materials
The field of two-dimensional (2D) materials-based nanophotonics has been growing at a
rapid pace, triggered by the ability to design nanophotonic systems with in situ control …
rapid pace, triggered by the ability to design nanophotonic systems with in situ control …
Intermolecular interactions in optical cavities: An ab initio QED study
Intermolecular bonds are weak compared to covalent bonds, but they are strong enough to
influence the properties of large molecular systems. In this work, we investigate how strong …
influence the properties of large molecular systems. In this work, we investigate how strong …