Resident's attitudes towards the impacts of tourism

FA García, AB Vázquez, RC Macías - Tourism Management Perspectives, 2015 - Elsevier
This text makes a tour through the most important aspects of residents' attitudes towards the
impact of tourism in relation to some of the most studied variables that attempt to explain the …

Can community-based tourism contribute to sustainable development? Evidence from residents' perceptions of the sustainability

TH Lee, FH Jan - Tourism management, 2019 - Elsevier
In this paper, the research gaps in sustainable tourism development were addressed by
examining residents' perceptions of the sustainability of community-based tourism based on …

Cultural tourism: An analysis of engagement, cultural contact, memorable tourism experience and destination loyalty

H Chen, I Rahman - Tourism management perspectives, 2018 - Elsevier
This study examines the interplay of visitor engagement, cultural contact, memorable tourism
experience (MTE), and destination loyalty in cultural tourism. The research was conducted …

Road and transport infrastructure development and community support for tourism: The role of perceived benefits, and community satisfaction

S Kanwal, MI Rasheed, AH Pitafi, A Pitafi, M Ren - Tourism Management, 2020 - Elsevier
This study investigates the impact of road and transportation infrastructure on community
support for tourism in the context of the China-Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC), a multi …

Assessing the mediating role of residents' perceptions toward tourism development

M Gannon, SM Rasoolimanesh… - Journal of Travel …, 2021 -
Framed by social exchange theory and Weber's theory of substantive and formal rationality,
this study investigates the mediating role of residents' perceptions of tourism impacts. It …

Residents' perceptions of tourism development in Benalmádena (Spain)

F Almeida-García, MÁ Peláez-Fernández… - Tourism …, 2016 - Elsevier
This study examines the residents' perceptions of the impact of tourism in Benalmádena and
the profiles of the residents according to socio-demographic characteristics. A questionnaire …

Residents' support for tourism development: The role of residents' place image and perceived tourism impacts

D Stylidis, A Biran, J Sit, EM Szivas - Tourism management, 2014 - Elsevier
Drawing on the triple bottom line approach for tourism impacts (economic, socio-cultural and
environmental) and adopting a non-forced approach for measuring residents' perception of …

A model of destination loyalty: Integrating destination image and sustainable tourism

SW Lee, K Xue - Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Sustainable tourism has been a popular topic in tourism research. However, there are
limited studies on tourists' perspectives from the angle of sustainable tourism. This research …

Sustainable ecotourism indicators with fuzzy Delphi method–A Philippine perspective

L Ocampo, JA Ebisa, J Ombe, MG Escoto - Ecological indicators, 2018 - Elsevier
The development of sustainable tourism indicator sets is a popular strategy in current
literature in order to plan and manage the sustainability performance of tourism sites. Such …

Place attachment, host–tourist interactions, and residents' attitudes towards tourism development: The case of Boa Vista Island in Cape Verde

C Eusébio, AL Vieira, S Lima - Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A clear understanding of residents' attitudes towards tourism development and
its determinants is a crucial pillar for designing tourism development strategies to promote …