Survey on applications of algebraic state space theory of logical systems to finite state machines

Y Yan, D Cheng, JE Feng, H Li, J Yue - Science China Information …, 2023 - Springer
Algebraic state space theory (ASST) of logical systems, developed based on the semi-tensor
product (STP) which is a new matrix analysis tool built in recent ten years, provides an …

A survey on applications of semi-tensor product method in engineering

H Li, G Zhao, M Meng, J Feng - Science China Information Sciences, 2018 - Springer
Semi-tensor product (STP) of matrices has attracted more and more attention from both
control theory and engineering in the last two decades. This paper presents a …

Strong structural controllability of Boolean networks: Polynomial-time criteria, minimal node control, and distributed pinning strategies

S Zhu, J Lu, S Azuma, WX Zheng - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 -
In this article, we initiate the strong structural controllability of Boolean networks (BNs), in
order to cope with the difficulty of identifying intricate nodal dynamics. The derived …

Minimum-time and minimum-triggering observability of stochastic Boolean networks

S Zhu, J Lu, L Lin, Y Liu - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 2021 -
This article investigates the observability of Markovian jump Boolean networks (MJBNs) via
algebraic state space representation approach. A necessary and sufficient criterion in the …

On pinning controllability of Boolean control networks

J Lu, J Zhong, C Huang, J Cao - IEEE Transactions on …, 2015 -
This technical note presents analytical investigations of reachability and controllability of
Boolean control networks (BCNs) with pinning controllers. Based on semi-tensor product …

Optimal control of Boolean control networks

E Fornasini, ME Valcher - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 2013 -
In this paper, we address the optimal control problem for Boolean control networks (BCNs).
We first consider the problem of finding the input sequences that minimize a given cost …

On finite potential games

D Cheng - Automatica, 2014 - Elsevier
A linear system, called the potential equation (PE), is presented. It is proved that a finite
game is potential if and only if its potential equation has solution. Some properties of the …

Minimal control nodes for strong structural observability of discrete-time iterative systems: Explicit formulas and polynomial-time algorithms

S Zhu, J Lu, DWC Ho, J Cao - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 2023 -
In this article, we initiate an important class of vertex-marked directed graphs, referred to as
the strong structurally observable graphs (SSOGs), to be the fundamental structural …

Observability of Boolean networks: A graph-theoretic approach

D Laschov, M Margaliot, G Even - Automatica, 2013 - Elsevier
Boolean networks (BNs) are discrete-time dynamical systems with Boolean state-variables
and outputs. BNs are recently attracting considerable interest as computational models for …

Minimal observability of Boolean networks

Y Liu, J Zhong, DWC Ho, W Gui - Science China Information Sciences, 2022 - Springer
In this study, the minimum observability of Boolean networks (BNs) is investigated by using
the semi-tensor product (STP) of matrices. First, a new system based on the considered BN …