Spatial genetic structure of a tropical understory shrub, PSYCHOTRIA OFFICINALIS (RuBIACEAE)
Analyses of fine‐scale and macrogeographic genetic structure in plant populations provide
an initial indication of how gene flow, natural selection, and genetic drift may collectively …
an initial indication of how gene flow, natural selection, and genetic drift may collectively …
Comparative Evolutionary Analysis of Chalcone Synthase and Alcohol Dehydrogenase Loci in Arabidopsis, Arabis, and Related Genera (Brassicaceae)
MA Koch, B Haubold… - Molecular biology and …, 2000 -
We analyzed sequence variation for chalcone synthase (Chs) and alcohol dehydrogenase
(Adh) loci in 28 species in the genera Arabidopsis and Arabis and related taxa from tribe …
(Adh) loci in 28 species in the genera Arabidopsis and Arabis and related taxa from tribe …
Visualization and interpretation of plant isozymes
JF Wendel, NF Weeden - Isozymes in plant biology, 1989 - Springer
Gel electrophoresis of proteins has become a standard and powerful research tool for
application in a multitude of biological disciplines. One form of protein electrophoresis …
application in a multitude of biological disciplines. One form of protein electrophoresis …
Genetic evidence for speciation in Cannabis (Cannabaceae)
KW Hillig - Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2005 - Springer
Sample populations of 157 Cannabis accessions of diverse geographic origin were
surveyed for allozyme variation at 17 gene loci. The frequencies of 52 alleles were …
surveyed for allozyme variation at 17 gene loci. The frequencies of 52 alleles were …
A molecular, isozyme and morphological map of the barley (Hordeum vulgare) genome
A map of the barley genome consisting of 295 loci was constructed. These loci include 152
cDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), 114 genomic DNA RFLP, 14 …
cDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), 114 genomic DNA RFLP, 14 …
[PDF][PDF] Reproductive and genetic consequences of forest fragmentation: Two case studies of neotropical...
JD Nason, JL Hamrick - Journal of Heredity, 1997 -
Large areas of continuous tropical forests are rapidly becoming fragmented as a result of
human activities, prompting a growing need for Information on the reproductive and genetic …
human activities, prompting a growing need for Information on the reproductive and genetic …
A study of spatial features of clones in a population of bracken fern, Pteridium aquilinum (Dennstaedtiaceae)
JC Parks, CR Werth - American Journal of Botany, 1993 - Wiley Online Library
Allozymes were used to study the spatial attributes of clones (genets) comprising a
population of Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. latiusculum (Desv.) Underw. ex Heller …
population of Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. latiusculum (Desv.) Underw. ex Heller …
Genetic markers and plant genetic resource management
PK Bretting, MP Widrlechner - Plant breeding reviews, 1995 -
B. Genetic Markers 1. Morphology 2. Karyotypic/Cytogenetic 3. Secondary Metabolites 4.
Proteins a. Serological Assays b. Seed Proteins c. Isozymes 5. DNA a. RFLPs b. AFLPS C …
Proteins a. Serological Assays b. Seed Proteins c. Isozymes 5. DNA a. RFLPs b. AFLPS C …
The genetic structure of tropical tree populations: associations with reproductive biology
JL Hamrick, MD Loveless - The evolutionary ecology of plants, 2019 -
Genetic variation in natural plant populations is structured in time and space. Both the
development and maintenance of population genetic structure are due to interactions …
development and maintenance of population genetic structure are due to interactions …
The effect of the density of flowering individuals on the mating systems of nine tropical tree species
DA Murawski, JL Hamrick - Heredity, 1991 -
Mating systems were examined through allozyme analysis for nine tropical tree species that
occur on Barro Colorado Island, Republic of Panama. Estimates of outcrossing rates, using …
occur on Barro Colorado Island, Republic of Panama. Estimates of outcrossing rates, using …