Challenges and opportunities in remote sensing-based crop monitoring: A review
Building a more resilient food system for sustainable development and reducing uncertainty
in global food markets both require concurrent and near-real-time and reliable crop …
in global food markets both require concurrent and near-real-time and reliable crop …
Ecosystem health, ecosystem services, and the well‐being of humans and the rest of nature
An ecosystem is healthy if it is active, maintains its organization and autonomy over time,
and is resilient to stress. Healthy ecosystems provide human well‐being via ecosystem …
and is resilient to stress. Healthy ecosystems provide human well‐being via ecosystem …
[HTML][HTML] A new global database of meteorological drought events from 1951 to 2016
Study region This study has three spatial scales: global (0.5°), macro-regional, and country
scale. The database of drought events has specific entries for each macro-region and …
scale. The database of drought events has specific entries for each macro-region and …
Assessment and prediction of index based agricultural drought vulnerability using machine learning algorithms
The consequences of droughts are far-reaching, impacting the natural environment, water
quality, public health, and accelerating economic losses. Applications of remote sensing …
quality, public health, and accelerating economic losses. Applications of remote sensing …
[HTML][HTML] Improving the drought monitoring capability of VHI at the global scale via ensemble indices for various vegetation types from 2001 to 2018
Drought is one of the most complex and harmful natural disasters. A study on the temporal
and spatial patterns and the evolution of drought can provide a scientific basis for predicting …
and spatial patterns and the evolution of drought can provide a scientific basis for predicting …
An improved global vegetation health index dataset in detecting vegetation drought
Due to global warming, drought events have become more frequent, which resulted in
aggravated crop failures, food shortage, larger and more energetic wildfires, and have …
aggravated crop failures, food shortage, larger and more energetic wildfires, and have …
Global high-resolution drought indices for 1981–2022
Droughts are among the most complex and devastating natural hazards globally. High-
resolution datasets of drought metrics are essential for monitoring and quantifying the …
resolution datasets of drought metrics are essential for monitoring and quantifying the …
[HTML][HTML] GRACE-REC: A reconstruction of climate-driven water storage changes over the last century
The amount of water stored on continents is an important constraint for water mass and
energy exchanges in the Earth system and exhibits large inter-annual variability at both local …
energy exchanges in the Earth system and exhibits large inter-annual variability at both local …
[HTML][HTML] Analysing the relationship between drought and soil erosion using vegetation health index and RUSLE models in Godavari middle sub-basin, India
Drought is a natural phenomenon posing severe implications for soil, groundwater and
agricultural yield. It has been recognized as one of the most pervasive global change drivers …
agricultural yield. It has been recognized as one of the most pervasive global change drivers …
Quantitative analysis of agricultural drought propagation process in the Yangtze River Basin by using cross wavelet analysis and spatial autocorrelation
It is important to understand the propagation of an agricultural drought, which is crucial for
early warning. Recent studies have partly revealed this hidden process and regarded it as …
early warning. Recent studies have partly revealed this hidden process and regarded it as …