[HTML][HTML] A two-step expansion of the dinocyst Lingulodinium machaerophorum in the Caspian Sea: the role of changing environment
Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages were analysed in four short sediment cores collected in the
south Basin of the Caspian Sea for assessing environmental changes over the last few …
south Basin of the Caspian Sea for assessing environmental changes over the last few …
Tracking of sea level impact on Caspian Ramsar sites and potential restoration of the Gorgan Bay on the southeast Caspian coast
The situation of Ramsar sites along the Caspian Sea coast has deteriorated over the past
decades, and this is more noticeable in the narrow coastal strip of the south Caspian Sea. In …
decades, and this is more noticeable in the narrow coastal strip of the south Caspian Sea. In …
Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Invasive Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Southern Part of the Caspian Sea from 2019 to 2020
We investigated the abundance and distribution of the invasive ctenophore, Mnemiopsis
leidyi, at five transects in the southern part of the Caspian Sea for four seasons from …
leidyi, at five transects in the southern part of the Caspian Sea for four seasons from …
Assessment of spatiotemporal phytoplankton composition in relation to environmental conditions of Gorgan Bay, Iran
Phytoplankton seasonal succession and spatial distribution were studied in Gorgan Bay,
Iran, which is a semi-enclosed bay located in the southeastern Caspian Sea. Monthly …
Iran, which is a semi-enclosed bay located in the southeastern Caspian Sea. Monthly …
Plankton community structure and biomass in the Eastern Middle Caspian Sea
TF Kurochkina, BM Nasibulina, S Bakhshalizadeh… - Water, 2022 - mdpi.com
Despite the role of planktonic organisms in the fishery value of the Caspian Sea and in
addition to the increase in the plankton population in the Caspian Sea, there are few …
addition to the increase in the plankton population in the Caspian Sea, there are few …
Possible effect of Balanus improvisus on Cerastoderma glaucum distribution in the south-western Caspian Sea
We studied the communities of the invasive Balanus improvisus and native Cerastoderma
glaucum populations in the south-western Caspian Sea. The massive movement of live …
glaucum populations in the south-western Caspian Sea. The massive movement of live …
[PDF][PDF] Checklist of phytoplankton taxa in the Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea
S Bagheri, M Fallahi - Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014 - academia.edu
Phytoplankton taxa composition of the Caspian Sea were evaluated by using samples
collected at 12 stations along the Iranian coast of the Caspian Sea between 1996 and 2010 …
collected at 12 stations along the Iranian coast of the Caspian Sea between 1996 and 2010 …
State of Mnemiopsis leidyi (Ctenophora: Lobata) and mesozooplankton in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea during 2008 in comparison with previous surveys
S Bagheri, U Niermann, J Sabkara, A Mirzajani… - Iranian Journal of …, 2012 - jifro.ir
Mnemiopsis leidyi which was accidentally introduced into the Caspian Sea in 1999 and
since then has colonized extensively. The horizontal distribution of M. leidyi and dominant …
since then has colonized extensively. The horizontal distribution of M. leidyi and dominant …
[PDF][PDF] Phytoplankton species composition and abundance in the Southwestern Caspian Sea
S Bagheri, M Mansor, M Turkoglu, M Makaremi… - Ekoloji, 2012 - academia.edu
This study, accomplished is focused on the spatial and temporal distribution and species
composition of phytoplankton in the southwestern Caspian Sea between January 2008 and …
composition of phytoplankton in the southwestern Caspian Sea between January 2008 and …
Changes in near-shore phytoplankton community and distribution, southwestern Caspian Sea
S Bagheri, S Khatib, FS Yeok - Limnology, 2024 - Springer
Sampling was done over a year (December 2020–November 2021) to study the distribution
and species composition of phytoplankton in the southwestern Caspian Sea. Sea water from …
and species composition of phytoplankton in the southwestern Caspian Sea. Sea water from …