Catheter with multiple visual elements

H Watts, J Higgins, F Seddiqui, A Neil… - US Patent App. 11 …, 2006‏ - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0003. An endoscope is a medical device consisting of a camera mounted
on a flexible tube. Small instruments can be used to take samples of Suspicious tissues or to …

Multiple view and multiple object processing in wide-angle video camera

Y Ahiska - US Patent 8,427,538, 2013‏ - Google Patents
Primary Examiner* Lynn Feild Assistant Examiner* Taylor Elfervig Related US-Application
Date(74) Attorney, A gent, orFirm 4 Robert 0. Groover, 111; Seth (63) Continuation-in-part of …

Combining data from multiple image sensors

M Aleksic, SR Goma, H Hwang, J Cheung - US Patent 9,001,227, 2015‏ - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method of combining data from multiple sensors is dis closed. The
method includes providing a common control signal to multiple image sensors. Each of the …

Endoscope assembly with a polarizing filter

L Bayer, R Desai, A Niel - US Patent 8,872,906, 2014‏ - Google Patents
Related US Application Data Invitation to Pay Additional Fees for PCT/US2007/002096, filed
Jan.(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 11/672,020, 23, 2007, mailed Jul. 6, 2007 …

Set of camera modules hinged on a body and functionally connected to a single actuator

T Tavi, S Koskinen, V Nummela, WK Tang - US Patent 8,730,338, 2014‏ - Google Patents
An apparatus, method and computer program, in which there is provided an apparatus with
a body, which apparatus has a set of camera modules mounted on the body, each camera …

System and Method for Combining Image Sequences

J Van Baar, W Matusik - US Patent App. 11/937,659, 2009‏ - Google Patents
A system and method combines videos for display in real-time. A set of narrow-angle videos
and a wide-angle video are acquired of the scene, in which a field of view in the wide-angle …

Combining data from multiple image sensors

SR Goma, M Aleksic, H Hwang, J Cheung - US Patent 8,896,668, 2014‏ - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method of combining data from multiple sensors is dis closed. The
method includes receiving lines of image data at an image processor having an input for a …

Endoscope with an imaging catheter assembly and method of configuring an endoscope

L Bayer, R Desai, J Higgins - US Patent 8,289,381, 2012‏ - Google Patents
Related US Application Data Continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/626,189, filed on
Jan. 23, 2007, and a continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/609,838, filed on Dec. 12 …

Endoscope assembly with a polarizing filter

L Bayer, R Desai, A Niel, VV Gurukula - US Patent 8,797,392, 2014‏ - Google Patents
US8797392B2 - Endoscope assembly with a polarizing filter - Google Patents US8797392B2 -
Endoscope assembly with a polarizing filter - Google Patents Endoscope assembly with a …

Device and method for reducing effects of video artifacts

L Bayer, R Okas, A Niel - US Patent 8,310,530, 2012‏ - Google Patents
4,825,850 5/1989 Opie et al. 5916.147 A 6/1999 Bo 4,836,211 6, 1989 Sekino et al. $57, A
36 Eal 4,846,154 7/1989 MacAnally et al. 5938, 587 A 8, 1999 Taylor etal 4,852,551 8/1989 …