Locality and entanglement in table-top testing of the quantum nature of linearized gravity

RJ Marshman, A Mazumdar, S Bose - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
This paper points out the importance of the assumption of locality of physical interactions,
and the concomitant necessity of propagation of an entity (in this case, off-shell quanta …

Probing various formulations of macrorealism for unsharp quantum measurements

S Kumari, AK Pan - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
Standard Leggett-Garg inequalities (SLGIs) were formulated for testing incompatibility
between the classical world view of macrorealism and quantum mechanics. In recent times …

Quantum violation of LGI under an energy constraint for different scenarios systems

Y Zhang, X Tan, T Qiu - Scientific Reports, 2023 - nature.com
In this paper, we consider a qubit in four scenarios: with drive, without drive, and in the
presence of dissipation and dephasing, to investigate the quantum violation of the Leggett …

Comparing the quantum witness, the entropic Leggett–Garg inequality and the NCGD

X Tan, Y Zhang, T Qiu - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
In this paper, we investigate the violation of the quantum witness, the entropic Leggett–Garg
inequality (LGI) and the no-coherence-generating-and-detecting (NCGD) dynamics, under …

Conservation laws in quantum noninvasive measurements

S Sołtan, M Frączak, W Belzig, A Bednorz - Physical Review Research, 2021 - APS
Conservation principles are essential to describe and quantify dynamical processes in all
areas of physics. Classically, a conservation law holds because the description of reality can …

Tensile quantum-to-classical transition of macroscopic entangled states under complete coarse-grained measurements

LP Naik, T Ghosh, S Mukherjee, C Mitra, PK Panigrahi - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
The departure of the quantum world from the classical regime is captured through the
observation of nonclassical correlations manifested in the behaviors of subatomic systems …

Canonical Leggett-Garg inequality: Nonclassicality of temporal quantum correlations under energy constraint

T Chanda, T Das, S Mal, A Sen, U Sen - Physical Review A, 2018 - APS
Nonclassicality of temporal correlations pertaining to noncommutative sequential
measurements is defined through the violation of macrorealistic inequalities, known as …

Leggett–Garg inequality, Wigner form of Leggett–Garg inequality and no-signaling-in-time condition under coarsening measurement

Y Zhang, X Tan - Quantum Information Processing, 2022 - Springer
In this paper, we investigate the Leggett–Garg inequality (LGI), the Wigner form of Leggett–
Garg inequality (WLGI) and the no-signaling-in-time (NSIT) condition under projective and …

Wigner inequalities for testing the hypothesis of realism and concepts of macroscopic and local realism

N Nikitin, K Toms - Physical Review A, 2019 - APS
We propose a Wigner-like inequality suitable for testing the hypothesis of realism. We show
that this inequality is identical neither to the well-known Wigner inequality nor to the Leggett …

Comparing various formulations of macrorealism

Y Zhang, X Tan, T Qiu - Quantum Information Processing, 2023 - Springer
Abstract The Leggett–Garg inequality (LGI) is used to test incompatibility between the
classical world view of macrorealism and quantum mechanics. Except for the LGI, other …