Robot, uninterrupted: Telemedical robots to mitigate care disruption
Emergency department (ED) healthcare workers (HCWs) are interrupted as often as once
every six minutes, increasing the risk of errors and preventable patient harm. As more robots …
every six minutes, increasing the risk of errors and preventable patient harm. As more robots …
When exceptions are the norm: Exploring the role of consent in hri
HRI researchers have made major strides in develo** robotic architectures that are
capable of reading a limited set of social cues and producing behaviors that enhance their …
capable of reading a limited set of social cues and producing behaviors that enhance their …
Discriminatively learning inverse optimal control models for predicting human intentions
More accurately inferring human intentions/goals can help robots complete collaborative
human-robot tasks more safely and efficiently. Bayesian reasoning has become a popular …
human-robot tasks more safely and efficiently. Bayesian reasoning has become a popular …
Robot classification of human interruptibility and a study of its effects
As robots become increasingly prevalent in human environments, there will inevitably be
times when the robot needs to interrupt a human to initiate an interaction. Our work …
times when the robot needs to interrupt a human to initiate an interaction. Our work …
Effects of interruptibility-aware robot behavior
As robots become increasingly prevalent in human environments, there will inevitably be
times when a robot needs to interrupt a human to initiate an interaction. Our work introduces …
times when a robot needs to interrupt a human to initiate an interaction. Our work introduces …
How should a robot interrupt a conversation between multiple humans
This paper addresses the question of how and when a robot should interrupt a meeting-style
conversation between humans. First, we observed one-to-one human-human conversations …
conversation between humans. First, we observed one-to-one human-human conversations …
Telepresence Robots for Dynamic, Safety-Critical Environments
Robots are being introduced into dynamic, safety-critical spaces, like emergency
departments (EDs). In EDs, healthcare workers (HCWs) must manage multiple tasks while …
departments (EDs). In EDs, healthcare workers (HCWs) must manage multiple tasks while …
Group Activity Recognition in Restaurants to Address Underlying Needs: A Case Study
AV Taylor, R Kaufman, M Huang… - 2022 31st IEEE …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Enabling robots to identify when humans need assistance is key to being able to provide
help that is both proactive and efficient. This challenge is particularly difficult for humans …
help that is both proactive and efficient. This challenge is particularly difficult for humans …
Benefits of Multi-Objective Trajectory Adaptation in Close-Proximity Human-Robot Interaction
OJ Chuy, H Sapra, XZ Tan… - 2023 32nd IEEE …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Close-proximity human-robot interactions can be improved through the optimization of task-
centric factors or by prioritizing the user experience. Prior work has often explored these …
centric factors or by prioritizing the user experience. Prior work has often explored these …
Adapting Movements and Behaviour to Favour Communication in Human-Robot Interaction
In this chapter we are presenting an overview on how adaptation of movement and
behaviour can favour communication in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). A model of a …
behaviour can favour communication in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). A model of a …