Genetic algorithms: Theory, genetic operators, solutions, and applications
A genetic algorithm (GA) is an evolutionary algorithm inspired by the natural selection and
biological processes of reproduction of the fittest individual. GA is one of the most popular …
biological processes of reproduction of the fittest individual. GA is one of the most popular …
Approaches and algorithms to mitigate cold start problems in recommender systems: a systematic literature review
Cold Start problems in recommender systems pose various challenges in the adoption and
use of recommender systems, especially for new item uptake and new user engagement …
use of recommender systems, especially for new item uptake and new user engagement …
Survey on the objectives of recommender systems: Measures, solutions, evaluation methodology, and new perspectives
Recently, recommender systems have played an increasingly important role in a wide
variety of commercial applications to help users find favourite products. Research in the …
variety of commercial applications to help users find favourite products. Research in the …
TrustDL: Use of trust-based dictionary learning to facilitate recommendation in social networks
Collaborative filtering (CF) is a widely applied method to perform recommendation tasks in a
wide range of domains and applications. Dictionary learning (DL) models, which are highly …
wide range of domains and applications. Dictionary learning (DL) models, which are highly …
Recommender systems effect on the evolution of users' choices distribution
Recommender systems'(RSs) research has mostly focused on algorithms aimed at
improving platform owners' revenues and user's satisfaction. However, RSs have additional …
improving platform owners' revenues and user's satisfaction. However, RSs have additional …
Recommendation systems for e-commerce systems an overview
Due to the huge expand in global markets and financial transactions, the importance of E-
commerce has grown significantly, so to achieve fully functioning, scalable, reliable, efficient …
commerce has grown significantly, so to achieve fully functioning, scalable, reliable, efficient …
An efficient stochastic numerical computing framework for the nonlinear higher order singular models
The focus of the present study is to present a stochastic numerical computing framework
based on Gudermannian neural networks (GNNs) together with the global and local search …
based on Gudermannian neural networks (GNNs) together with the global and local search …
Novel predictive model to improve the accuracy of collaborative filtering recommender systems
The recommendation problem involves the prediction of a set of items that maximize the
utility for users. Numerous factors, such as the filtering method and similarity measure, affect …
utility for users. Numerous factors, such as the filtering method and similarity measure, affect …
A survey on recommendation systems for financial services
Recently, there is difficulty in extracting useful information from huge online information due
to the rapid growth of the internet. Therefore, the Recommendation system (RS) is needed …
to the rapid growth of the internet. Therefore, the Recommendation system (RS) is needed …
[HTML][HTML] Personalized e-learning recommender system based on autoencoders
L El Youbi El Idrissi, I Akharraz, A Ahaitouf - Applied System Innovation, 2023 - mdpi.com
Through the Internet, learners can access available information on e-learning platforms to
facilitate their studies or to acquire new skills. However, finding the right information for their …
facilitate their studies or to acquire new skills. However, finding the right information for their …