Intellectual property law
PS Menell, S Scotchmer - Handbook of law and economics, 2007 - Elsevier
This chapter provides a comprehensive survey of the burgeoning literature on the law and
economics of intellectual property. It is organized around the two principal objectives of …
economics of intellectual property. It is organized around the two principal objectives of …
[КНИГА][B] Patent failure: How judges, bureaucrats, and lawyers put innovators at risk
In recent years, business leaders, policymakers, and inventors have complained to the
media and to Congress that today's patent system stifles innovation instead of fostering it …
media and to Congress that today's patent system stifles innovation instead of fostering it …
Probabilistic patents
Economists often assume that a patent gives its owner a well-defined legal right to exclude
others from practicing the invention described in the patent. In practice, however, the rights …
others from practicing the invention described in the patent. In practice, however, the rights …
Valuable patents
JR Allison, MA Lemley, KA Moore, RD Trunkey - Geo. Lj, 2003 - HeinOnline
Patents. Inventors. To most, these words conjure a vision of the solitary genius, the heroic
individual-Edison, Bell, Morse-working late into the evening in a garage to perfect a device …
individual-Edison, Bell, Morse-working late into the evening in a garage to perfect a device …
Expressive incentives in intellectual property
JC Fromer - Va. L. Rev., 2012 - HeinOnline
A CCORDING to the dominant American theory of intellectual prop-erty, copyright and patent
laws are premised on providing creators with just enough incentive to create artistic …
laws are premised on providing creators with just enough incentive to create artistic …
Ending abuse of patent continuations
MA Lemley, KA Moore - BUL rev., 2004 - HeinOnline
One of the oddest things about the United States patent system is that it is impossible for the
US Patent and Trademark Office (" PTO") to ever finally reject a patent application. While …
US Patent and Trademark Office (" PTO") to ever finally reject a patent application. While …
[КНИГА][B] The handbook of nanotechnology: Business, policy, and intellectual property law
JC Miller, R Serrato, JM Represas-Cardenas… - 2004 -
In the first attempt to fully explore the controversial issues associated with the commercial
application of nanotechnology, you'll find a thorough analysis of intellectual property and …
application of nanotechnology, you'll find a thorough analysis of intellectual property and …
Lessons for patent policy from empirical research on patent litigation
We explore lessons for patent policy that can be learned from empirical research on patent
litigation. After presenting some salient facts about patent litigation, we turn first to analysis of …
litigation. After presenting some salient facts about patent litigation, we turn first to analysis of …
The folly of early filing in patent law
CA Cotropia - Hastings LJ, 2009 - HeinOnline
Intellectual Ventures is a private company that sees invention as a full-time activity.'Instead
of engaging in traditional product development, Intellectual Ventures produces" pure …
of engaging in traditional product development, Intellectual Ventures produces" pure …
Patents and the regulatory state: rethinking the patent bargain metaphor after Eldred
S Ghosh - Berkeley Tech. LJ, 2004 - HeinOnline
The metaphor of the patent bargain-that a patent represents the grant of the right of
exclusivity in exchange for the disclosure of a novel invention-is generally accepted in the …
exclusivity in exchange for the disclosure of a novel invention-is generally accepted in the …