Reducing math anxiety in school children: A systematic review of intervention research
Recent studies indicate that math anxiety (MA) can already be found in school-aged
children. As early MA depicts a potential risk for develo** severe mathematical difficulties …
children. As early MA depicts a potential risk for develo** severe mathematical difficulties …
Current trends in math anxiety research: A bibliometric approach
The aim of this study was to investigate current trends in research of math anxiety (MA)
through bibliometric perspective. Three main clusters were formed based on author …
through bibliometric perspective. Three main clusters were formed based on author …
Mathematics anxiety—where are we and where shall we go?
In this paper, we discuss several largely undisputed claims about mathematics anxiety (MA)
and propose where MA research should focus, including theoretical clarifications on what …
and propose where MA research should focus, including theoretical clarifications on what …
Do games reduce maths anxiety? A meta-analysis
In this paper, we present the first meta-analysis of the efficacy of game-based interventions
on reducing students' levels of maths anxiety. After searching for randomised studies …
on reducing students' levels of maths anxiety. After searching for randomised studies …
Attitudes toward mathematics/statistics, anxiety, self-efficacy and academic performance: An artificial neural network
JM Hernández de la Hera… - Frontiers in …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Mathematics and statistical skills are crucial to daily life. However, many students found
mathematics difficult to learn and understand. This research aimed to find relationships …
mathematics difficult to learn and understand. This research aimed to find relationships …
Unraveling the role of math anxiety in students' math performance
Math anxiety (MA; ie, feelings of anxiety experienced when being confronted with
mathematics) can have negative implications on the mental health and well-being of …
mathematics) can have negative implications on the mental health and well-being of …
Multidimensional components of (state) mathematics anxiety: Behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and psychophysiological consequences
The present study aimed to analyze the different components of state mathematics anxiety
that students experienced while solving calculation problems by manipulating their stress …
that students experienced while solving calculation problems by manipulating their stress …
State-and trait-math anxiety and their relation to math performance in children: The role of core executive functions
This study examines the interplay of state-and trait-math anxiety (MA) and core executive
functions (CEF) on math achievement in children. According to attention control theory, MA …
functions (CEF) on math achievement in children. According to attention control theory, MA …
How to continue? New approaches to investigating the effects of adaptive math learning programs on students' performance, self-concept, and anxiety
Math learning programs were expected to revolutionize students' learning, but their effects
so far have mostly been disappointing. Following the debate about why to continue research …
so far have mostly been disappointing. Following the debate about why to continue research …
Math anxiety is related to math difficulties and composed of emotion regulation and anxiety predisposition: A network analysis study
Current evidence suggests emotion regulation is an important factor in both math anxiety
and math performance, but the interplay between these constructs is unexamined. Given the …
and math performance, but the interplay between these constructs is unexamined. Given the …