Malaria amongst children under five in sub-Saharan Africa: a sco** review of prevalence, risk factors and preventive interventions
Introduction Africa has a higher burden of malaria-related cases and deaths globally.
Children under five accounted for over two-thirds of all malaria deaths in sub-Saharan Africa …
Children under five accounted for over two-thirds of all malaria deaths in sub-Saharan Africa …
Factors associated with ownership and utilization of insecticide treated nets among children under five years in sub-Saharan Africa
KD Konlan, N Kossi Vivor, I Gegefe, L Hayford - BMC Public Health, 2022 - Springer
Background Insecticide-treated net (ITN) is a cost-effective means to control malaria and
morbidity in under-five children. This study synthesizes the factors associated with using the …
morbidity in under-five children. This study synthesizes the factors associated with using the …
Knowledge, attitude and practices of malaria preventive measures among mothers with children under five years in a rural setting of Ghana
Background Malaria remains a major public health concern around the world, particularly in
resource-constrained countries. Malaria still accounts for 40% of all Out-Patient Department …
resource-constrained countries. Malaria still accounts for 40% of all Out-Patient Department …
Insecticide-treated net utilization and associated factors among pregnant women and under-five children in East Belessa District, Northwest Ethiopia: using the Health …
AN Yirsaw, RB Gebremariam, WA Getnet, MS Mihret - Malaria Journal, 2021 - Springer
Background Malaria during pregnancy and childhood is one of the major public health
challenges globally. Its prevalence is huge in Africa, especially in sub-Saharan countries …
challenges globally. Its prevalence is huge in Africa, especially in sub-Saharan countries …
Insecticide-treated bed net use and associated factors among households having under-five children in East Africa: a multilevel binary logistic regression analysis
TF Seyoum, Z Andualem, HF Yalew - Malaria Journal, 2023 - Springer
Background Even though malaria is preventable, it remains the leading cause of under-five
morbidity and mortality in low-and middle-income countries. Despite the World Health …
morbidity and mortality in low-and middle-income countries. Despite the World Health …
[HTML][HTML] Utilization of insecticides treated mosquito bed nets among pregnant women in Kassena-Nankana East municipality in the upper east region of Ghana
MN Asumah, FA Akugri, P Akanlu… - Public Health …, 2021 - publichealthtoxicology.com
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was used. The study recruited 362 pregnant
women using simple random sampling technique. All statistics were performed at a 95 …
women using simple random sampling technique. All statistics were performed at a 95 …
Utilization of insecticide treated bed nets (ITNs) among caregivers of children under five years in the Ho municipality
K Diema Konlan, M Japiong… - Interdisciplinary …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Background. In Ghana, attempts to control malaria through antimalarial medications are
currently threatened by the emergence and spread of drug resistant malaria parasites. This …
currently threatened by the emergence and spread of drug resistant malaria parasites. This …
Long-lasting insecticide-treated bed net ownership, utilization and associated factors among school-age children in Dara Mallo and Uba Debretsehay districts …
Background Malaria is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality among school-age
children (SAC) in sub-Saharan Africa. SAC account for more than 60% of the reservoir of …
children (SAC) in sub-Saharan Africa. SAC account for more than 60% of the reservoir of …
Universal coverage and utilization of free long-lasting insecticidal nets for malaria prevention in Ghana: a cross-sectional study
Background Malaria continues to be one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity,
especially among children and pregnant women. The use of Long-Lasting Insecticide Nets …
especially among children and pregnant women. The use of Long-Lasting Insecticide Nets …
Inequalities in the use of insecticide-treated nets by pregnant women in Ghana, 2011 and 2017
Background Pregnant women and children are the most vulnerable group of people usually
affected by malaria. The use of insecticide-treated nets is one of the proven interventions for …
affected by malaria. The use of insecticide-treated nets is one of the proven interventions for …