Progress of developmental programme during the last larval instar of Bombyx mori: relationships with food intake, ecdysteroids and juvenile hormone

B Calvez - Journal of insect physiology, 1981 - Elsevier
The progress of developmental programme in the epidermal cells of last instar larvae of
Bombyx mori was determined by ecdysteroid injections in normal and in JH-treated larvae …

The identification of an enantioselective JH III binding protein from the haemolymph of the cockroach, Diploptera punctata

LE King, SS Tobe - Insect biochemistry, 1988 - Elsevier
Haemolymph from adult mated female Diploptera punctata contains a juvenile hormone (JH)
binding protein. Partial purification of the binding protein was achieved using chemical …

Juvenile hormone esterase activity during the last larval and pupal stages of Tenebrio molitor

JL Connat - Journal of Insect Physiology, 1983 - Elsevier
In vitro analysis of juvenile hormone esterase activity of haemolymph of T. molitor was
performed during the end of post-embryonic development. Weak activity was found in …

Hormonal requirements for the larval-pupal ecdysis induced in the cultured integument of Chilo suppressalis

S Imoto, T Nishioka, T Fujita, M Nakajima - Journal of Insect Physiology, 1982 - Elsevier
The switchover from a larval to a pupal epidermal commitment was studied on integument
tissue fragments from early last-instar larvae (1–2 days after ecdysis) of Chilo suppressalis …


西岡孝明 - 日本農芸化学会誌, 1985 -
は じめ に農業害虫から作物を保護 し, 食 糧生産を維持 してゆ くためには, 環 境汚染を最小限に
抑える農薬の適**使用技術の確立 とともに, 害 虫に特異的な生理機能だけを抑制する新 …