Systems and methods for monitoring gas turbine systems having exhaust gas recirculation

KD Minto, DF Beadie - US Patent 9,617,914, 2017 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system includes a plurality of extraction passages config ured to
passively extract a portion of a gas flow from a downstream region of a gas flow path. The …

Low emission triple-cycle power generation and CO2 separation systems and methods

RH Oelfke, M Minta - US Patent 9,903,271, 2018 - Google Patents
Methods and systems for low emission power generation in combined cycle power plants
are provided. One system includes a gas turbine system that stoichiometrically com busts a …

Combustor systems and combustion burners for combusting a fuel

FF Mittricker, DM O'dea, HW Deckman… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
Systems and methods for an Oxy-fuel type combustion reac tion are provided. In one or
more embodiments, a combustion system can include at least two mixing Zones, where a …

Systems and methods for exhaust gas extraction

FF Mittricker, RA Huntington, DM O'dea - US Patent 9,399,950, 2016 - Google Patents
The present techniques are directed to a combustor for a gas turbine. For example, an
embodiment provides a spool piece for the combustor. The spool piece includes an oxidant …

Systems and methods for controlling stoichiometric combustion in low emission turbine systems

FF Mittricker, RA Huntington, SK Dhanuka… - US Patent …, 2017 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT Related US Application Data Systems, methods, and apparatus are
provided for control ling the oxidant feed in low emission turbine systems to (60) Provisional …

Low emission power generation and hydrocarbon recovery systems and methods

M Minta, FF Mittricker, PC Rasmussen… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
(60) Provisional application No. 61/153,508, filed on Feb. Methods and systems for low
emission power generation in 18, 2009, provisional application No. 61/072,292 hydrocarbon …

Gas turbine combustor control system for stoichiometric combustion in the presence of a diluent

KD Minto - US Patent 10,107,495, 2018 - Google Patents
In one embodiment, a gas turbine system includes a con troller configured to receive fuel
composition information related to a fuel used for combustion in a turbine combustor; receive …

Low emission power generation and hydrocarbon recovery systems and methods

F Hershkowitz, ED Nelson, PD McMahon - US Patent 8,734,545, 2014 - Google Patents
Methods and systems for low emission power generation in hydrocarbon recovery
processes are provided. One system includes integrated pressure maintenance and …

System and method for cooling a gas turbine with an exhaust gas provided by the gas turbine

SB Kolvick - US Patent 9,784,185, 2017 - Google Patents
A system for cooling a gas turbine with an exhaust gas provided by the gas turbine generally
includes an exhaust gas recirculation system including an exhaust gas scrubber. The …

Methods, systems and apparatus relating to combustion turbine power plants with exhaust gas recirculation

LA Wichmann, SF Simpson - US Patent 9,353,682, 2016 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method of controlling a powerplant that comprises a work ing fluid and a
recirculation loop, wherein the power plant includes a combustor operably connected to a …