Numerical study of concrete spall damage to blast loads

J Li, H Hao - International journal of impact engineering, 2014 - Elsevier
Spall damage is a typical damage mode of concrete structures under blast or high velocity
impact loads. Blast and impact loads generate a stress wave propagating in the structure. At …

Experimental and numerical investigation on normal strength and high strength RC arches subjected to underwater explosions

Y Fan, G Yang, X Tian, S Ding, Q Li, T Zhou, T Peng… - Engineering …, 2025 - Elsevier
As a common structure in engineering, reinforced concrete (RC) arch may be subjected to
explosion load in its life cycle. However, there are few studies on the blast resistance of RC …

Numerical analysis of prestressed reinforced concrete beam subjected to blast loading

W Chen, H Hao, S Chen - Materials & Design (1980-2015), 2015 - Elsevier
Prestressing technique has been widely used in civilian and military constructions. The
prestressed reinforced concrete (RC) structural components such as beams and columns …

Numerical study of low-speed impact response of sandwich panel with tube filled honeycomb core

J Liu, W Chen, H Hao, Z Wang - Composite Structures, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract Sandwich panel with Honeycomb Filled with Circular Tubes (HFCT) as core is
numerically investigated by using ABAQUS/Explicit in this study. To calibrate the numerical …

Air blast resistance of full-scale slabs with different compositions: Numerical modeling and field validation

R Castedo, P Segarra, A Alañon, LM Lopez… - International Journal of …, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the advantages and accuracy of a finite element simulation of a blast
loaded full-scale slab by validating the results with the corresponding field tests. For this …

Numerical study of bio-inspired energy-absorbing device using shear thickening fluid (STF)

L Lam, W Chen, H Hao, Z Li, N San Ha… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
In this study, a novel type of Bio-Inspired Energy-Absorbing Device (BIEAD) utilising shear
thickening characteristics of shear thickening fluid (STF) is proposed. The viscoelastic …

Experimental and numerical study of square sandwich panels with layered-gradient foam cores to air-blast loading

L **g, K Liu, X Su, X Guo - Thin-Walled Structures, 2021 - Elsevier
The blast response of clamped sandwich panels with layered-gradient aluminium foam
cores was studied experimentally and numerically. The effective blast impulse acting on …

Dual-mechanism auxetic-core protective sandwich structure under blast loading

RP Bohara, S Linforth, T Nguyen, A Ghazlan, T Ngo - Composite Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper introduces a protective sandwich structure with simultaneous auxetic
compression and tension behaviour (termed as the dual-mechanism) in the core. To achieve …

Experimental and numerical study on damage mode of RC slabs under combined blast and fragment loading

Y Li, Z Chen, X Ren, R Tao, R Gao, D Fang - International Journal of Impact …, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper aims at investigation of failure characteristic of RC slabs under combined blast
and fragment loading. With experimental device designed, blast tests were conducted to …

Numerical simulation on dynamic behavior of reinforced concrete beam with initial cracks subjected to air blast loading

Y Qu, X Li, X Kong, W Zhang, X Wang - Engineering Structures, 2016 - Elsevier
Reinforced concrete (RC) structural members subjected to blast loading behave differently
as compared to the same subjected to quasi-static loading. Numerical studies are conducted …