Beyond the standard interview: The use of graphic elicitation and arts-based methods

A Bagnoli - Qualitative research, 2009 -
This article reviews three visual methods based on drawing that I applied in my research on
young people: the arts-based projective technique, the self-portrait, and the graphic …

The pitfalls of visual representations: A review and classification of common errors made while designing and interpreting visualizations

S Bresciani, MJ Eppler - Sage Open, 2015 -
A large body of research has addressed the benefits of visualization, whereas the analysis
of the pitfalls has not received systematic attention. We aim to provide an overview of the …

[KNYGA][B] Value sensitive design: Sha** technology with moral imagination

B Friedman, DG Hendry - 2019 -
Using our moral and technical imaginations to create responsible innovations: theory,
method, and applications for value sensitive design. Implantable medical devices and …

The research interview

S Mann - Reflective practice and reflexivity in research …, 2016 - Springer
A couple of things perplexed me early on. Nearly all the qualitative PhD theses I read (and
all the MA dissertations) had between one and five pages on the differences between …

A survey of value sensitive design methods

B Friedman, DG Hendry, A Borning - Foundations and Trends® …, 2017 -
Value sensitive design is a theoretically grounded approach to the design of technology that
accounts for human values in a principled and systematic manner throughout the design …

[HTML][HTML] Quantitative research artifacts as qualitative data collection techniques in a mixed methods research study

C Wallwey, RL Kajfez - Methods in Psychology, 2023 - Elsevier
The creative use of mixed methods is one way in which research designs can embrace and
support the use of complex theoretical frameworks, such as those often used in psychology …

[KNYGA][B] Photovoice research in education and beyond: A practical guide from theory to exhibition

AO Latz - 2017 -
Photovoice is a form of participatory action research, which has been gaining use and
momentum since its inception in the mid-1990s. Within the enactment of this methodology …

Doing qualitative research online

J Salmons - 2021 -
New to online research? This book will give you the foundation you need to confidently
design and conduct a project using internet methods. First providing an overview of online …

Qualitative online interviews: Strategies, design, and skills

A Bauman - Qualitative research in organizations and management …, 2015 -
Interviews have proven to be “the gold standard” of qualitative research (McCoyd and
Kerson, 2006, p. 400) and “the most productive mode for producing narrative data”(Holt …

Interviews in qualitative research

N King, J Brooks, C Horrocks - 2018 -
Welcome to this second edition of Interviews in Qualitative Research. We have been very
gratified by the many positive responses to the first edition. Updating it has been …