Tunable directional emission and collective dissipation with quantum metasurfaces
Subwavelength atomic arrays, recently labeled as quantum metamaterials, have emerged
as an exciting platform for obtaining novel quantum optical phenomena. The strong …
as an exciting platform for obtaining novel quantum optical phenomena. The strong …
Matter-wave scattering from strongly interacting bosons in an optical lattice
K Mayer, A Rodriguez, A Buchleitner - Physical Review A, 2015 - APS
We study the scattering of a matter wave from an interacting system of bosons in an optical
lattice, focusing on the strong-interaction regime. Analytical expressions for the many-body …
lattice, focusing on the strong-interaction regime. Analytical expressions for the many-body …
Matter waves in two-dimensional arbitrary atomic crystals
We present a general scheme to realize a cold-atom quantum simulator of bidimensional
atomic crystals. Our model is based on the use of two independently trapped atomic species …
atomic crystals. Our model is based on the use of two independently trapped atomic species …
Matter waves in reduced dimensions: dipolar-induced resonances and atomic artificial crystals
N Bartolo - 2014 - theses.hal.science
The experimental achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation and Fermi degeneracy with
ultracold gases boosted tremendous progresses both in theoretical methods and in the …
ultracold gases boosted tremendous progresses both in theoretical methods and in the …
[PDF][PDF] Matter Waves in Reduced Dimensions
N BARTOLO - 2014 - core.ac.uk
The experimental achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation and Fermi degeneracy with
ultracold gases boosted tremendous progresses both in theoretical methods and in the …
ultracold gases boosted tremendous progresses both in theoretical methods and in the …