Current status and future directions of fused filament fabrication
Fused filament fabrication (FFF), a much-appreciated three-dimensional printing (3DP)
technology, has triggered the industrial innovations by providing viable and cost-effective …
technology, has triggered the industrial innovations by providing viable and cost-effective …
Statistical and experimental analysis of process parameters of 3D nylon printed parts by fused deposition modeling: response surface modeling and optimization
In the current study, the additive manufacturing of nylon by fused deposition modeling is
conducted based on statistical analysis. Besides, the aim of this study is the influence of …
conducted based on statistical analysis. Besides, the aim of this study is the influence of …
[PDF][PDF] Dimensional accuracy and surface finish optimization of fused deposition modelling parts using desirability function analysis
Fused deposition modelling (FDM) machines are increasingly being used to manufacture
parts for functional use. The need to ensure that the parts have good surface finish and …
parts for functional use. The need to ensure that the parts have good surface finish and …
Sok: Side channel monitoring for additive manufacturing-bridging cybersecurity and quality assurance communities
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is critical for the fourth industrial revolution (ie, Industry 4.0). It
involves printing a 3D object layer-by-layer from scratch. Fused filament fabrication (FFF) …
involves printing a 3D object layer-by-layer from scratch. Fused filament fabrication (FFF) …
Statistical analysis and multi-criteria optimization of fused deposition additive manufacturing process for acrylic butadiene styrene parts
The current market trend and customer requirement are to find excellent quality products
within shortest manufacturing time. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the processing …
within shortest manufacturing time. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the processing …
Characterization, modeling and simulation of fused deposition modeling fabricated part surfaces
Surface roughness is generally used for characterization, modeling and simulation of fused
deposition modeling (FDM) fabricated part surfaces. But the average surface roughness is …
deposition modeling (FDM) fabricated part surfaces. But the average surface roughness is …
Multi-objective optimization of process parameters in an area-forming rapid prototy** system using the Taguchi method and a grey relational analysis
SH Chiu, SY Gan, YC Tseng, KT Chen… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
The rapid prototy** technique has been developed over several decades. As the
application becomes more widespread, the qualities of the parts produced by a rapid …
application becomes more widespread, the qualities of the parts produced by a rapid …
Analysis of part quality produced by a fused deposition modelling machine: a pragmatic study
Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) is a rapid prototy** technology in which a spool of
thermoplastic filament is extruded through a heated nozzle tip and deposited in layers built …
thermoplastic filament is extruded through a heated nozzle tip and deposited in layers built …
[PDF][PDF] Parameters affecting surface roughness of Fused deposition modeling
Fuse Deposition Modeling (FDM) is one of the most widely used Rapid Prototy** (RP)
technology in market which uses additive manufacturing technic. FDM is not only known for …
technology in market which uses additive manufacturing technic. FDM is not only known for …
[PDF][PDF] Optimierung von FLM-Bauteilen durch chemische Nachbearbeitung sowie deren Einsatz in der Galvanik
O Baier - 2016 - core.ac.uk
Der schichtweise Aufbau führt zu einer Besonderheit aller additiven Fertigungsverfahren,
dem sogenannten Treppenstufeneffekt. In Aufbaurichtung kann die Bauteilkontur nur durch …
dem sogenannten Treppenstufeneffekt. In Aufbaurichtung kann die Bauteilkontur nur durch …