Little fish, big data: zebrafish as a model for cardiovascular and metabolic disease
The burden of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases worldwide is staggering. The
emergence of systems approaches in biology promises new therapies, faster and cheaper …
emergence of systems approaches in biology promises new therapies, faster and cheaper …
[HTML][HTML] Reimagining safe lithium applications in the living environment and its impacts on human, animal, and plant system
Lithium's (Li) ubiquitous distribution in the environment is a rising concern due to its rapid
proliferation in the modern electronic industry. Li enigmatic entry into the terrestrial food …
proliferation in the modern electronic industry. Li enigmatic entry into the terrestrial food …
RNA‐seq of the aging brain in the short‐lived fish N. furzeri – conserved pathways and novel genes associated with neurogenesis
The brains of teleost fish show extensive adult neurogenesis and neuronal regeneration.
The patterns of gene regulation during fish brain aging are unknown. The short‐lived teleost …
The patterns of gene regulation during fish brain aging are unknown. The short‐lived teleost …
[HTML][HTML] Environmental chemicals affect circadian rhythms: An underexplored effect influencing health and fitness in animals and humans
Circadian rhythms control the life of virtually all organisms. They regulate numerous aspects
ranging from cellular processes to reproduction and behavior. Besides the light-dark cycle …
ranging from cellular processes to reproduction and behavior. Besides the light-dark cycle …
The circadian clock and glucocorticoids–interactions across many time scales
Glucocorticoids are steroid hormones of the adrenal gland that are an integral component of
the stress response and regulate many physiological processes, including metabolism and …
the stress response and regulate many physiological processes, including metabolism and …
[HTML][HTML] Stem cells and the circadian clock
The circadian timing system is a complex biological network of interacting circadian clocks
that regulates 24 h rhythms of behavioral and physiological processes. One intriguing …
that regulates 24 h rhythms of behavioral and physiological processes. One intriguing …
Lipid metabolism alteration by endocrine disruptors in animal models: an overview
Exposure to potential Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) pose a documented risk to
both wildlife and human health. Many studies so far described declining sperm counts …
both wildlife and human health. Many studies so far described declining sperm counts …
Lithium and bipolar disorder: impacts from molecular to behavioural circadian rhythms
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a severe and common psychiatric disorder. BD pathogenesis,
clinical manifestations and relapses are associated with numerous circadian rhythm …
clinical manifestations and relapses are associated with numerous circadian rhythm …
Circadian rhythmicity and light sensitivity of the zebrafish brain
Traditionally, circadian clocks have been thought of as a neurobiological phenomenon. This
view changed somewhat over recent years with the discovery of peripheral tissue circadian …
view changed somewhat over recent years with the discovery of peripheral tissue circadian …
Zebrafish: A marvel of high-throughput biology for 21st century toxicology
The evolutionary conservation of genomic, biochemical, and developmental features
between zebrafish and humans is gradually coming into focus, with the end result that the …
between zebrafish and humans is gradually coming into focus, with the end result that the …