Experimental investigation on reservoir sediment flushing through a bottom tunnel with an initially covered intake

H Xu, Z Cao, Q Wang - Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2023 - ascelibrary.org
Reservoir sedimentation is of worldwide concern, involving not only reservoir benefits, but
environmental and ecological issues. Sediment flushing is one of the most common and …

Reservoir sedimentation management: A state-of-the-art review

MR Madadi - Journal of Applied Research in Water and Wastewater, 2022 - arww.razi.ac.ir
Reservoir sedimentation is a serious challenge in many regions of the world and has severe
consequences for water management, flood control, and generation of energy. The purpose …

Formation of a scour funnel upstream of an orifice affected by a bottom-mounted cylinder

Y Zeng, X Lu - Physics of Fluids, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
A scour funnel before a bottom orifice on a dam is able to help intaking water with low
sediment concentration and thus protect the water turbine. Appropriate placement of pier …

Influence of different skew angles of the submerged vane on pressure flushing performance

S Beiramipour, SA Kantoush, H Haghjouei, K Qaderi… - Scientific Reports, 2023 - nature.com
Siltation significantly threatens a reservoir's original storage capacity and lifespan. Pressure
flushing is an effective measure against siltation through the partial drawdown of the …

Analysis of flow past a submerged vane using computational fluid dynamics

W Annayat, W Raja, AK Barbhuiya… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
Abstract Analysis was carried out in a straight open channel with an approximate discharge
of 0.22 cubic meters per second (m3 s− 1). Pattern of the circulation was found at different …

Numerical investigation of bed-load changes on sediment flushing cavity

R Nematzadeh, GA Barani… - Journal of Hydraulic …, 2023 - jhs.scu.ac.ir
The tanks' useful life will be reduced if their sediments are not discharged with a suitable
method. Various hydraulic and mechanical methods can be used in many countries to …

[HTML][HTML] Hybrid Modeling for Solutions of Sediment Deposition in a Low-Land Reservoir with Multigate Sluice Structure

Q **e, J Yang, TS Lundström, J Chen - Applied Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
At the multigate sluice structure on a fluvial river, undesired sediment deposition affects the
normal operation of the reservoir in question. Physical and numerical models are hybridized …

Recent Progresses in Dam Reservoir Sediment Estimation and Control

T Boulmaiz, MT Fortas, A Bouamrane… - Handbook of Climate … - taylorfrancis.com
Sedimentation is a significant challenge for reservoir operations. To implement targeted
management actions, reservoir siltation must be quantified through field measurement …