An overview of small unmanned aerial vehicles for air quality measurements: Present applications and future prospectives
Assessment of air quality has been traditionally conducted by ground based monitoring, and
more recently by manned aircrafts and satellites. However, performing fast, comprehensive …
more recently by manned aircrafts and satellites. However, performing fast, comprehensive …
Review of motor vehicle particulate emissions sampling and measurement: From smoke and filter mass to particle number
Particulate emissions from motor vehicles have received increased attention over the past
two decades owing to associations observed between ambient particulate matter (PM) …
two decades owing to associations observed between ambient particulate matter (PM) …
[BOK][B] Introduction to internal combustion engines
R Stone - 1999 - Springer
The popularity of Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines during the last ten years or so,
has prompted me to prepare this set of worked solutions for the 3n1 Edition. I have used …
has prompted me to prepare this set of worked solutions for the 3n1 Edition. I have used …
[HTML][HTML] European regulatory framework and particulate matter emissions of gasoline light-duty vehicles: A review
The particulate matter (PM) emissions of gasoline vehicles were much lower than those of
diesel vehicles until the introduction of diesel particulate filters (DPFs) in the early 2000s. At …
diesel vehicles until the introduction of diesel particulate filters (DPFs) in the early 2000s. At …
Exhaust nanoparticle emissions from internal combustion engines: A review
CL Myung, S Park - International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2012 - Springer
This paper reviews the particle emissions formed during the combustion process in spark
ignition and diesel engine. Proposed legislation in Europe and California will impose a …
ignition and diesel engine. Proposed legislation in Europe and California will impose a …
Review of the regulations and techniques to eliminate toxic emissions from diesel engine cars
One of the challenging issues affecting the automotive industry in recent times has to do with
the total emissions produced by the sector annually. This investigation sums up some of …
the total emissions produced by the sector annually. This investigation sums up some of …
Particulate matter measurement indoors: a review of metrics, sensors, needs, and applications
Many populations spend∼ 90% of their time indoors, with household particulate matter
being linked to millions of premature deaths worldwide. Particulate matter is currently …
being linked to millions of premature deaths worldwide. Particulate matter is currently …
Physical and chemical characterization of SIDI engine particulates
CK Gaddam, RL Vander Wal - Combustion and Flame, 2013 - Elsevier
Carbonaceous soot particles from a spark-ignition direct-injection (SIDI) engine are
characterized by physical and chemical techniques. Physical characterization included …
characterized by physical and chemical techniques. Physical characterization included …
The effect of oxygenate fuels on PN emissions from a highly boosted GDI engine
Abstract Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines are increasingly available in the market.
Such engines are known to emit more Particulate Matter (PM) than their port-fuel injected …
Such engines are known to emit more Particulate Matter (PM) than their port-fuel injected …
An assessment of emissions from light-duty vehicles using PEMS and chassis dynamometer testing
J May, D Bosteels, C Favre - SAE International Journal of Engines, 2014 - JSTOR
From 1 September 2014 new car types in the EU must meet 'Euro 6'emissions requirements.
The 'New European Driving Cycle'(NEDC) is currently the main test for this, but the …
The 'New European Driving Cycle'(NEDC) is currently the main test for this, but the …