The roles of talent, physical precocity and practice in the development of soccer expertise

W F. Helsen, NJ Hodges, J Winckel… - Journal of sports …, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
Here we consider the potential contributions of talent, physical precocity and deliberate
practice in the development of soccer expertise. After presenting a working definition of …

Enhancing parental support through parent-education programs in youth sport: A systematic review

S Burke, LA Sharp, D Woods… - International Review of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Parent-education programs in youth sport appear to provide an appropriate avenue to
facilitate healthy parental involvement, enhance positive parental support, and help to …

Is athlete burnout more than just stress? A sport commitment perspective

TD Raedeke - Journal of sport and exercise …, 1997 -
This study examined athlete burnout from a commitment perspective, which suggests that
athletes can be involved in sport for a combination of reasons related to sport attraction …

Team sports and the theory of deliberate practice

WF Helsen, JL Starkes… - Journal of Sport and …, 1998 -
Two studies tested the theory of deliberate practice (Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Romer,
1993) and contrasted results with the sport commitment model (Scanlan, Carpenter …

Motivational orientations and sport behavior.

MR Weiss, E Ferrer-Caja - 2002 -
Our goal in this chapter is to comprehensively review the literature on motivation and sport
behavior. To do this, we describe theories or conceptual models of motivation that have …

The impact of family financial investment on perceived parent pressure and child enjoyment and commitment in organized youth sport

C Ryan Dunn, TE Dorsch, MQ King… - Family …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Ninety percent of American youth participate in some form of organized youth sport between
the ages of 5 and 18. Parent involvement in this context has recently been characterized as …

Athletic identity in marathon runners: Functional focus or dysfunctional commitment?

RS Horton, DE Mack - Journal of sport Behavior, 2000 -
Previous research on athletic identity (Brewer, Van Raalte, & Linder, 1993; AI) suggests
that strong AI may force an athlete to neglect other aspects of life in order to fulfill the athlete …

An empirical investigation of the relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction and psychological commitment in a health club context

K Alexandris, P Zahariadis… - European sport …, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
This study aimed to test the applicability of a simplified version of the service quality model,
proposed by Brady & Cronin (2001) in the context of a health club, and test the degree to …

Sources of enjoyment for youth sport athletes

TK Scanlan, PJ Carpenter… - Pediatric exercise …, 1993 -
The positive emotion of enjoyment has been shown to be an important ingredient to
motivation in youth and elite sport. This article first summarizes the progress made to date in …

The development of the sport commitment questionnaire-2 (English version)

TK Scanlan, GM Chow, C Sousa, LA Scanlan… - Psychology of Sport and …, 2016 - Elsevier
Objectives The purpose of this research was to develop the Sport Commitment
Questionnaire-2 (SCQ-2) and establish its psychometric properties. The SCQ-2 measures …