Innovative leadership: A literature review paper

IBA Alharbi - Open Journal of Leadership, 2021 -
Innovation and leadership have been two key areas of research in the last decades. Various
scholars have come up with multiple definitions of the terms, all revolving around the …

Employee resilience: Directions for resilience development.

JRC Kuntz, S Malinen, K Näswall - Consulting Psychology Journal …, 2017 -
Resilience in organizations denotes system agility and robustness, essential to survival and
thriving in increasingly challenging contexts. Contemporary scholarship has acknowledged …

Organizational culture and leadership as antecedents to organizational flexibility: implications for SME competitiveness

T Anning-Dorson - Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging …, 2021 -
Purpose This study aims to assess how innovative organizational culture and innovative
leadership generate market flexibility for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the …

Resilience in organizations: Construction of protective resources from psychological and systematic perspective

Y ZHU, Y ZHAO, Y ZHOU, J WU - Advances in Psychological …, 2019 -
Resilience, a cross-disciplinary construct, develops along the psychological and systematic
trajectories. Along with those two independent trajectories, this paper summarizes the types …

Servant leadership: a new paradigm

D Duren - Servant leadership and followership: Examining the …, 2017 - Springer
The chapter provides a unique opportunity to discuss servant leadership as a style fit for the
corporate organization. The chapter increases the knowledge regarding leadership and …

[หนังสือ][B] Millennials' lived work experiences during the sha** of their leadership style: A qualitative phenomenological study

GD Churchill - 2018 -
Millennials are rapidly taking leadership positions, but few research studies have focused on
Millennials in leadership roles, particularly focused on the sha** of their leadership styles …

E-leadership as enabling function for technology-enriched learning

R Elkington - Effective Leadership for Overcoming ICT Challenges in …, 2021 -
Cataclysmic liminal events often expose pre-existing weaknesses within a system (Bundy,
Pfarrer, Short, & Coombs, 2016). Amid the COVID-19 global pandemic, it is evident that …

How the communal philosophies of Ubuntu in Africa and Confucius thought in China might enrich Western notions of leadership

R Elkington, EA Tuleja - Global and culturally diverse leaders and …, 2017 -
This chapter explores two communal philosophies of being, namely Ubuntu from Southern
Africa and Confucianism from China, and seeks to contrast and compare how these ways of …

组织中的韧性: 基于心理路径和系统路径的保护性资源建构

诸彦含, 赵玉兰, 周意勇, 吴江 - 心理科学进展, 2019 -
摘要作为跨学科的研究构念,“韧性”(resilience) 呈现出心理和系统两条独立的发展轨迹.
基于心理路径和系统路径, 本文系统梳理了韧性在组织不同层面的类型特质, 影响因素及测量 …

Are We Competitive? A Firm Competitiveness Fit Scale

M Arraya, JJ Ferreira - Global Business and Organizational …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
This study aims to develop and validate a comprehensive measure of firm competitiveness
fit, a second‐order composite construct consisting of seven strategic dimensions: vision …