Structure, function and connectivity fingerprints of the frontal eye field versus the inferior frontal junction: A comprehensive comparison
The human prefrontal cortex contains two prominent areas, the frontal eye field and the
inferior frontal junction, that are crucially involved in the orchestrating functions of attention …
inferior frontal junction, that are crucially involved in the orchestrating functions of attention …
Functional dissociation of the inferior frontal junction from the dorsal attention network in top-down attentional control
The posterior lateral prefrontal cortex—specifically, the inferior frontal junction (IFJ)—is
thought to exert a key role in the control of attention. However, the precise nature of that role …
thought to exert a key role in the control of attention. However, the precise nature of that role …
Altered retrieval of melodic information in congenital amusia: insights from dynamic causal modeling of MEG data
Congenital amusia is a neuro-developmental disorder that primarily manifests as a difficulty
in the perception and memory of pitch-based materials, including music. Recent findings …
in the perception and memory of pitch-based materials, including music. Recent findings …
Co-activation-based parcellation of the lateral prefrontal cortex delineates the inferior frontal junction area
The inferior frontal junction (IFJ) area, a small region in the posterior lateral prefrontal cortex
(LPFC), has received increasing interest in recent years due to its central involvement in the …
(LPFC), has received increasing interest in recent years due to its central involvement in the …
Functional fractionation of the stimulus-driven attention network
A novel, salient event in the environment powerfully captures attention. This stimulus-driven
attentional capture not only includes orienting of attention toward the event, but also an …
attentional capture not only includes orienting of attention toward the event, but also an …
Mechanisms underlying encoding of short-lived versus durable episodic memories
We continuously encounter and process novel events in the surrounding world, but only
some episodes will leave detailed memory traces that can be recollected after weeks and …
some episodes will leave detailed memory traces that can be recollected after weeks and …
Hypertension impacts the oscillatory dynamics serving the encoding phase of verbal working memory
Y Arif, AD Killanin, J Zhu, MP Willett, HJ Okelberry… - …, 2024 - ahajournals.org
BACKGROUND: Chronic hypertension is known to be a major contributor to cognitive
decline, with executive function and working memory being among the domains most …
decline, with executive function and working memory being among the domains most …
Numerical working memory alters alpha‐beta oscillations and connectivity in the parietal cortices
Although the neural bases of numerical processing and memory have been extensively
studied, much remains to be elucidated concerning the spectral and temporal dynamics …
studied, much remains to be elucidated concerning the spectral and temporal dynamics …
Neural mechanisms of dorsal and ventral visual regions during text reading
When reading a narrative text, both the dorsal and ventral visual systems are activated. To
illustrate the patterns of interactions between the dorsal and ventral visual systems in text …
illustrate the patterns of interactions between the dorsal and ventral visual systems in text …
Attention biases visual activity in visual short-term memory
In the current study, we tested whether representations in visual STM (VSTM) can be biased
via top–down attentional modulation of visual activity in retinotopically specific locations. We …
via top–down attentional modulation of visual activity in retinotopically specific locations. We …