Terahertz interconnect system and applications
M Estes, G Moddel - US Patent App. 11/258,297, 2006 - Google Patents
An assembly includes a first electrical circuitry for providing a first electrical Signal
containing data and a transmitting arrangement, connected with the first electrical circuitry …
containing data and a transmitting arrangement, connected with the first electrical circuitry …
80 nanometer diameter resonant tunneling diode with improved peak-to-valley ratio
S Thomas III, K Elliott, DH Chow - US Patent 7,514,708, 2009 - Google Patents
A sub-micron, on the order of 80-nanometer diameter, resonant tunneling diode having a
peak-to-valley ratio of approximately 5.1 to 1, and a method for its manufacture. The …
peak-to-valley ratio of approximately 5.1 to 1, and a method for its manufacture. The …
High speed electron tunneling devices
G Moddel, BJ Eliasson - US Patent 7,595,500, 2009 - Google Patents
4,973,858 5,018,000 5,019,530 5,056,111 5,067,788 5,157.361 5,202.752 5,208,726
5,291,274 5,302,838 5,326,984 5,335.361 5,345,231 5,355,000 5,362.961 5,450,053 …
5,291,274 5,302,838 5,326,984 5,335.361 5,345,231 5,355,000 5,362.961 5,450,053 …
Metal-insulator varactor devices
MJ Estes - US Patent 7,388,276, 2008 - Google Patents
5,543,652 A 8, 1996 Ikeda et al. 5,606, 177 A 2f1997 Wallace et al. 5,621,222 A 4/1997
Kimura 5,675,295 A 10, 1997 Brebels et al. 5,796,119 A 8/1998 Seabaugh 5,825,049 A 10 …
Kimura 5,675,295 A 10, 1997 Brebels et al. 5,796,119 A 8/1998 Seabaugh 5,825,049 A 10 …
Radar-transceiver for microwave and millimetre applications
P Heide - US Patent App. 10/541,994, 2006 - Google Patents
0001. This invention concerns a radar transceiver (trans mit/receive module) for microwave
and millimeter wave applications and associated module platform concepts for …
and millimeter wave applications and associated module platform concepts for …
High speed electron tunneling devices
G Moddel, BJ Eliasson - US Patent 7,105,852, 2006 - Google Patents
Jan. 20, 2003, now Pat. No. 6,756,649, which is a A detector includes a Voltage source for
providing a bias continuation of application No. 09/860,972, filed on Voltage and first and …
providing a bias continuation of application No. 09/860,972, filed on Voltage and first and …
Integrated resonant tunneling diode based antenna
VM Hietala, CP Tiggers, TA Plut - US Patent 6,049,308, 2000 - Google Patents
Resonant tunneling diodes have demonstrated instabilities at frequencies in excess of 800
GHz. This makes them very promising for millimeter-wave oscillators. Unfortunately, in spite …
GHz. This makes them very promising for millimeter-wave oscillators. Unfortunately, in spite …
Electromagnetic-wave oscillator
Y Koyama, T Itsuji, T Ouchi - US Patent 7,622,999, 2009 - Google Patents
An electromagnetic-wave oscillator includes a Substrate, an EMW oscillating unit including a
gain portion, an EMW resonance portion, an EMW radiating portion, and a ground (GND) …
gain portion, an EMW resonance portion, an EMW radiating portion, and a ground (GND) …
Optical semiconductor device in which an electromagnetic wave is generated in a region of an applied electric field
T Ouchi, T Itsuji, S Kasai - US Patent 7,723,708, 2010 - Google Patents
In recent years, there has been developed a nondestructive sensing technique using an
electromagnetic wave (30 GHZ to 30 THZ) ranging from a millimeter wave to a terahertz …
electromagnetic wave (30 GHZ to 30 THZ) ranging from a millimeter wave to a terahertz …
Terahertz oscillation device
T Mukai, M Asada, S Suzuki, K Urayama - US Patent 7,898,348, 2011 - Google Patents
A terahertz oscillation device includes a first electrode placed on the semiconductor
substrate; a second electrode placed via the insulating layer toward the first electrode, and …
substrate; a second electrode placed via the insulating layer toward the first electrode, and …