[PDF][PDF] Analysisfor electical load flow studies in port harcourt, nigeria, using newton raphson fast decoupled techniques

DC Idoniboyeobu, C Ibeni - American journal of engineering …, 2017 - academia.edu
The load flow analysis study is a research conducted for Port Harcourt Town Zone 4, Rivers
State power distribution network. It is necessary for planning, operation, future expansion of …

[PDF][PDF] Newton-Raphson algorithm as a power utility tool for network stability

LM Adesina, A Abdulkareem, J Katende… - Adv Sci Technol Eng …, 2020 - academia.edu
Nigerian power utility companies particularly the distribution and generation aspects were
recently in the process of national power reform converted from public to private service by …

[PDF][PDF] Power Flow Investigation of 33kV Distribution Network Using Electrical Transient Analyzer Program: A Case Study of Agip Estate Mile 4, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

J Okoro, DC Idoniboyeobu, SL Braide - Iconic Research and …, 2020 - academia.edu
The power flow investigation of Agip Estate Mile 4, 33kv Distribution Network was analysed
using Newton-Raphson method was used for the power flow equation while Microsoft Excel …

Load Flow Analysis of 6 MW Biomass Power Plant

DB Pardeshi, A Deshpande, SV Chaudhari - … Technology for Competitive …, 2022 - Springer
Financial specialists have begun moving toward inexhaustible wellsprings of vitality so as to
fulfill the develo** need for electrical force. The gathering of solar, wind vitality, and …

Grid connection feasibility analysis of 5 MW waste-to-energy power plant in Surakarta, Indonesia

P Anugrah, E Farlen - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
Electricity demand in Surakarta has grown by an average of 3.65% annually since 2014. On
the other hand, there is also an increasing waste production in the city, producing 110,893 …

[PDF][PDF] Power Flow Analysis of Osogbo 33-Kv Distribution Network

MO Lawal, BI Olasupo - 1st International Conference on Engineering …, 2019 - academia.edu
This work studies the power flow analysis of the Osogbo distribution network. The power
flow solution has been achieved using existing software. The system parameters required as …

The Economics of Network Reconfiguration and Shunt Compensation on a 33 kV Distribution Network

M Lawal, A Olawuyi, K Awomolo… - Journal of Science and …, 2023 - publisher.uthm.edu.my
This work studies the cost benefits derivable from network reconfiguration and shunt
compensation of a Nigerian 33 kV distribution network. The approach adopted requires that …

Voltage Profile Improvement in a Renewable Energy Based Hybrid Distribution System

KC Jayasankar, G Anandhakumar - J. Environ. Nanotechnol, 2024 - nanoient.org
The technique of designing and analyzing the mixing of high photovoltaic (PV) and wind
penetration into the Distribution device is a critical undertaking that calls for careful …


E Andikan - BW Academic Journal, 2024 - bwjournal.org
This study focuses on enhancing grid stability in the Eket power distribution system,
managed by the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHEDC). It analyzes the …

Development and Testing of Q-Basic Computer Software for Newton-Raphson Power Flow Studies

LM Adesina, J Katende… - 2019 2nd International …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
There had been obvious system insecurity in Nigerian power systems' grid which often lead
to frequent power system collapse. Studies have shown that the Privatized power …