Population genetics of sexual conflict in the genomic era
JE Mank - Nature Reviews Genetics, 2017 - nature.com
Sexual conflict occurs when selection acts in opposing directions on males and females.
Case studies in both vertebrates and invertebrates indicate that sexual conflict maintains …
Case studies in both vertebrates and invertebrates indicate that sexual conflict maintains …
Two sexes, one genome: the evolutionary dynamics of intralocus sexual conflict
As the evolutionary interests of males and females are frequently divergent, a trait value that
is optimal for the fitness of one sex is often not optimal for the other. A shared genome also …
is optimal for the fitness of one sex is often not optimal for the other. A shared genome also …
Single-cell RNA-seq of Drosophila miranda testis reveals the evolution and trajectory of germline sex chromosome regulation
Although sex chromosomes have evolved from autosomes, they often have unusual
regulatory regimes that are sex-and cell-type-specific such as dosage compensation (DC) …
regulatory regimes that are sex-and cell-type-specific such as dosage compensation (DC) …
Genome-wide sexually antagonistic variants reveal long-standing constraints on sexual dimorphism in fruit flies
The evolution of sexual dimorphism is constrained by a shared genome, leading to 'sexual
antagonism', in which different alleles at given loci are favoured by selection in males and …
antagonism', in which different alleles at given loci are favoured by selection in males and …
Balancing selection in species with separate sexes: insights from Fisher's geometric model
How common is balancing selection, and what fraction of phenotypic variance is attributable
to balanced polymorphisms? Despite decades of research, answers to these questions …
to balanced polymorphisms? Despite decades of research, answers to these questions …
The search for sexually antagonistic genes: Practical insights from studies of local adaptation and statistical genomics
Sexually antagonistic (SA) genetic variation—in which alleles favored in one sex are
disfavored in the other—is predicted to be common and has been documented in several …
disfavored in the other—is predicted to be common and has been documented in several …
Asymmetric inheritance: the diversity and evolution of non-Mendelian reproductive strategies
The ability to reproduce is the key trait that distinguishes living organisms from inorganic
matter, and the strategies used to achieve successful reproduction are almost as diverse as …
matter, and the strategies used to achieve successful reproduction are almost as diverse as …
Is the X chromosome a hot spot for sexually antagonistic polymorphisms? Biases in current empirical tests of classical theory
Females and males carry nearly identical genomes, which can constrain the evolution of
sexual dimorphism and generate conditions that are favourable for maintaining sexually …
sexual dimorphism and generate conditions that are favourable for maintaining sexually …
Sexual dimorphism and female ecomorphology in Anolis (Squamata: Anolidae): knowledge of female morphology increases the understanding of Anolis …
JD Rodríguez-Rodríguez… - Biological Journal of …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
The study of sexual dimorphism in Anolis lizards brings the opportunity to understand how
this phenomena interacts with adaptive radiation to produce broader diversity. We explored …
this phenomena interacts with adaptive radiation to produce broader diversity. We explored …
Polygenic signals of sex differences in selection in humans from the UK Biobank
Sex differences in the fitness effects of genetic variants can influence the rate of adaptation
and the maintenance of genetic variation. For example,“sexually antagonistic”(SA) variants …
and the maintenance of genetic variation. For example,“sexually antagonistic”(SA) variants …