Brassicaceae in agriculture
SI Warwick - Genetics and Genomics of the Brassicaceae, 2011 - Springer
This chapter reviews the agricultural role of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) or mustard family.
The family includes many economically important edible and industrial oilseed, vegetable …
The family includes many economically important edible and industrial oilseed, vegetable …
[PDF][PDF] Hundred years of rapeseed-mustard breeding in India: accomplishments and future strategies
Oilseeds Brassica crops often called as rapeseed-mustard crops in India comprise
traditionally grown indigenous species, namely toria, brown sarson, yellow sarson, Indian …
traditionally grown indigenous species, namely toria, brown sarson, yellow sarson, Indian …
Rapeseed-Mustard Breeding in India: Scenario, Achievements and
Brassica spp., commonly known as rapeseed-mustard, plays a significant role in the Indian
economy by providing edible oils, vegetables, condiments and animal feed. Globally, India …
economy by providing edible oils, vegetables, condiments and animal feed. Globally, India …
Map** of yield influencing QTL in Brassica juncea: implications for breeding of a major oilseed crop of dryland areas
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of yield influencing traits was carried out in Brassica
juncea (AABB) using a doubled haploid (DH) map** population of 123 lines derived from …
juncea (AABB) using a doubled haploid (DH) map** population of 123 lines derived from …
Genetic characterization of a new cytoplasmic male sterility system (hau) in Brassica juncea and its transfer to B. napus
A novel cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) was identified in Brassica juncea, named as hau
CMS (00-6-102A). Subsequently, the male sterility was transferred to B. napus by …
CMS (00-6-102A). Subsequently, the male sterility was transferred to B. napus by …
Molecular map** reveals two independent loci conferring resistance to Albugo candida in the east European germplasm of oilseed mustard Brassica juncea
White rust caused by Albugo candida (Pers.) Kuntze is a major disease of the oilseed
mustard Brassica juncea. Almost all the released varieties of B. juncea in India are highly …
mustard Brassica juncea. Almost all the released varieties of B. juncea in India are highly …
Genetic Analysis of Heterosis for Yield Influencing Traits in Brassica juncea Using a Doubled Haploid Population and Its Backcross Progenies
The exploitation of heterosis through hybrid breeding is one of the major breeding objectives
for productivity increase in crop plants. This research analyzes the genetic basis of heterosis …
for productivity increase in crop plants. This research analyzes the genetic basis of heterosis …
QTL map** of yield-associated traits in Brassica juncea: meta-analysis and epistatic interactions using two different crosses between east European and Indian …
Genetic analysis of 12 yield-associated traits was undertaken by dissection of quantitative
trait loci (QTL) through meta-analysis and epistatic interaction studies in Brassica juncea. A …
trait loci (QTL) through meta-analysis and epistatic interaction studies in Brassica juncea. A …
Amaranthus genetic resources in Indonesia: morphological and protein content assessment in comparison with worldwide amaranths
The morphological variations (growth habit, leaf shape, leaf color, height, stem diameter,
number of branches and internodes, leaf area, blade ratio, leaf thickness, number of leaves …
number of branches and internodes, leaf area, blade ratio, leaf thickness, number of leaves …
Genetic Analysis for Resistance to Sclerotinia Stem Rot, Yield and Its Component Traits in Indian Mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss.]
Understanding the mode of gene action that controls seed yield and Sclerotinia stem rot
resistance in Indian mustard is critical for boosting yield potential. In a line× tester mating …
resistance in Indian mustard is critical for boosting yield potential. In a line× tester mating …