Hel** plants to deal with insects: the role of beneficial soil-borne microbes
Several soil-borne microbes such as mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth-promoting
rhizobacteria can help plants to deal with biotic and abiotic stresses via plant growth …
rhizobacteria can help plants to deal with biotic and abiotic stresses via plant growth …
Induction of systemic resistance against insect herbivores in plants by beneficial soil microbes
MHO Rashid, YR Chung - Frontiers in plant science, 2017 - frontiersin.org
Soil microorganisms with growth-promoting activities in plants, including rhizobacteria and
rhizofungi, can improve plant health in a variety of different ways. These beneficial microbes …
rhizofungi, can improve plant health in a variety of different ways. These beneficial microbes …
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and their role in plant-parasitic nematodes control: a fresh look at an old issue
The increasing demand for agricultural products can be met by maximizing production
potential and reducing crop losses caused by common plant-parasitic nematodes. Chemical …
potential and reducing crop losses caused by common plant-parasitic nematodes. Chemical …
Beneficial microbes in a changing environment: are they always hel** plants to deal with insects?
Plants have a complex immune system that defends them against attackers (eg herbivores
and microbial pathogens) but that also regulates the interactions with mutualistic organisms …
and microbial pathogens) but that also regulates the interactions with mutualistic organisms …
Root symbionts: Powerful drivers of plant above‐and belowground indirect defenses
Soil microbial mutualists of plants, including mycorrhizal fungi, non‐mycorrhizal fungi and
plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, have been typically characterized for increasing …
plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, have been typically characterized for increasing …
Enhancing micronutrient uptake and yield of wheat through bacterial PGPR consortia
A pot experiment was undertaken under net house conditions, with three rhizobacterial
strains AW1 (Bacillus sp.), AW5 (Providencia sp.) and AW7 (Brevundimonas sp.), applied …
strains AW1 (Bacillus sp.), AW5 (Providencia sp.) and AW7 (Brevundimonas sp.), applied …