Comparative genomics reveals electron transfer and syntrophic mechanisms differentiating methanotrophic and methanogenic archaea
The anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to sulfate reduction is a microbially mediated
process requiring a syntrophic partnership between anaerobic methanotrophic (ANME) …
process requiring a syntrophic partnership between anaerobic methanotrophic (ANME) …
Nanomaterials facilitating microbial extracellular electron transfer at interfaces
R Wang, H Li, J Sun, L Zhang, J Jiao… - Advanced …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Electrochemically active bacteria can transport their metabolically generated electrons to
anodes, or accept electrons from cathodes to synthesize high‐value chemicals and fuels, via …
anodes, or accept electrons from cathodes to synthesize high‐value chemicals and fuels, via …
[หนังสือ][B] Geomicrobiology
HL Ehrlich, DK Newman - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
Uncovers the Key Role Microbes Play in the Transformation of Oxidizable and Reducible
MineralsMany areas of geomicrobial processes are receiving serious attention from …
MineralsMany areas of geomicrobial processes are receiving serious attention from …
A post-genomic view of the ecophysiology, catabolism and biotechnological relevance of sulphate-reducing prokaryotes
R Rabus, SS Venceslau, L Wöhlbrand… - Advances in microbial …, 2015 - Elsevier
Dissimilatory sulphate reduction is the unifying and defining trait of sulphate-reducing
prokaryotes (SRP). In their predominant habitats, sulphate-rich marine sediments, SRP have …
prokaryotes (SRP). In their predominant habitats, sulphate-rich marine sediments, SRP have …
Trace metal requirements for microbial enzymes involved in the production and consumption of methane and nitrous oxide
Fluxes of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere are heavily influenced by microbiological
activity. Microbial enzymes involved in the production and consumption of greenhouse …
activity. Microbial enzymes involved in the production and consumption of greenhouse …
Methanogens: pushing the boundaries of biology
NR Buan - Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 2018 - portlandpress.com
Methanogens are anaerobic archaea that grow by producing methane gas. These microbes
and their exotic metabolism have inspired decades of microbial physiology research that …
and their exotic metabolism have inspired decades of microbial physiology research that …
Fermentative hydrogen production: principles, progress, and prognosis
PC Hallenbeck - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009 - Elsevier
Dark fermentative hydrogen production is an attractive route to the renewable production of
hydrogen for a number of reasons. At least in its initial employment, it would use readily …
hydrogen for a number of reasons. At least in its initial employment, it would use readily …
[HTML][HTML] Bioenergetics and anaerobic respiratory chains of aceticlastic methanogens
C Welte, U Deppenmeier - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) …, 2014 - Elsevier
Methane-forming archaea are strictly anaerobic microbes and are essential for global
carbon fluxes since they perform the terminal step in breakdown of organic matter in the …
carbon fluxes since they perform the terminal step in breakdown of organic matter in the …
A comparative genomic analysis of energy metabolism in sulfate reducing bacteria and archaea
The number of sequenced genomes of sulfate reducing organisms (SRO) has increased
significantly in the recent years, providing an opportunity for a broader perspective into their …
significantly in the recent years, providing an opportunity for a broader perspective into their …
Biochemistry, evolution and physiological function of the Rnf complex, a novel ion-motive electron transport complex in prokaryotes
E Biegel, S Schmidt, JM González, V Müller - Cellular and molecular life …, 2011 - Springer
Microbes have a fascinating repertoire of bioenergetic enzymes and a huge variety of
electron transport chains to cope with very different environmental conditions, such as …
electron transport chains to cope with very different environmental conditions, such as …