The TNF family of ligands and receptors: communication modules in the immune system and beyond
The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and TNF receptor (TNFR) superfamilies (TNFSF/TNFRSF)
include 19 ligands and 29 receptors that play important roles in the modulation of cellular …
include 19 ligands and 29 receptors that play important roles in the modulation of cellular …
[HTML][HTML] Granzymes: the molecular executors of immune-mediated cytotoxicity
ZLZ Hay, JE Slansky - International journal of molecular sciences, 2022 -
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes, differentiated CD8+ T cells, use multiple mechanisms to mediate
their function, including release of granules containing perforin and granzymes at target …
their function, including release of granules containing perforin and granzymes at target …
Deciphering DED assembly mechanisms in FADD-procaspase-8-cFLIP complexes regulating apoptosis
CY Yang, CI Lien, YC Tseng, YF Tu, AW Kulczyk… - Nature …, 2024 -
Fas-associated protein with death domain (FADD), procaspase-8, and cellular FLICE-
inhibitory proteins (cFLIP) assemble through death-effector domains (DEDs), directing death …
inhibitory proteins (cFLIP) assemble through death-effector domains (DEDs), directing death …
The death domain superfamily in intracellular signaling of apoptosis and inflammation
The death domain (DD) superfamily comprising the death domain (DD) subfamily, the death
effector domain (DED) subfamily, the caspase recruitment domain (CARD) subfamily, and …
effector domain (DED) subfamily, the caspase recruitment domain (CARD) subfamily, and …
RIP1, a kinase on the crossroads of a cell's decision to live or die
Binding of inflammatory cytokines to their receptors, stimulation of pathogen recognition
receptors by pathogen-associated molecular patterns, and DNA damage induce specific …
receptors by pathogen-associated molecular patterns, and DNA damage induce specific …
Cell death mechanisms induced by cytotoxic lymphocytes
One of the functions of the immune system is to recognize and destroy abnormal or infected
cells to maintain homeostasis. This is accomplished by cytotoxic lymphocytes. Cytotoxicity is …
cells to maintain homeostasis. This is accomplished by cytotoxic lymphocytes. Cytotoxicity is …
Regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling by c-FLIP: towards targeting cancer networks
The extrinsic pathway is mediated by death receptors (DRs), including CD95 (APO-1/Fas) or
TRAILR-1/2. Defects in apoptosis regulation lead to cancer and other malignancies. The …
TRAILR-1/2. Defects in apoptosis regulation lead to cancer and other malignancies. The …
LRRK2 Parkinson disease mutations enhance its microtubule association
Dominant missense mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the most
common genetic causes of Parkinson disease (PD) and genome-wide association studies …
common genetic causes of Parkinson disease (PD) and genome-wide association studies …
The structure of FADD and its mode of interaction with procaspase-8
PE Carrington, C Sandu, Y Wei, JM Hill, G Morisawa… - Molecular cell, 2006 -
The structure of FADD has been solved in solution, revealing that the death effector domain
(DED) and death domain (DD) are aligned with one another in an orthogonal, tail-to-tail …
(DED) and death domain (DD) are aligned with one another in an orthogonal, tail-to-tail …
Reconstitution of the death-inducing signaling complex reveals a substrate switch that determines CD95-mediated death or survival
MA Hughes, N Harper, M Butterworth, K Cain… - Molecular cell, 2009 -
The death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) is critical for initiation of death-receptor-
mediated apoptosis; however, paradoxically, CD95 also signals for cell survival. Here, we …
mediated apoptosis; however, paradoxically, CD95 also signals for cell survival. Here, we …