[HTML][HTML] Iron ore beneficiation technologies in Russia and ways to improve their efficiency
AE Pelevin - Записки Горного института, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
Increasing the efficiency of crushing circuits is associated with a decrease in the particle size
of finely crushed ore and the use of dry magnetic separation of crushed ore. Reducing …
of finely crushed ore and the use of dry magnetic separation of crushed ore. Reducing …
Multi-objective optimization for an industrial grinding and classification process based on PBM and RSM
X Wang, L Liu, L Duan, Q Liao - IEEE/CAA Journal of …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The grinding and classification process is one of the key sub-processes in mineral
processing, which influences the final process indexes significantly and determines energy …
processing, which influences the final process indexes significantly and determines energy …
[HTML][HTML] Grinding mill optimisation using grind curves and continuum-armed bandits
Grinding mills exhibit steady-state behaviour, formalised by quadratic performance functions
called grind curves. Grind curves are predominantly affected by feed-ore characteristics that …
called grind curves. Grind curves are predominantly affected by feed-ore characteristics that …
[HTML][HTML] Технологии обогащения железных руд России и пути повышения их эффективности
АЕ Пелевин - Записки Горного института, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
Повышение эффективности схем дробления связано с уменьшением крупности
мелкодробленой руды и применением сухой магнитной сепарации дробленой руды …
мелкодробленой руды и применением сухой магнитной сепарации дробленой руды …
Extremum seeking control of a flotation circuit using peak air recovery
A flotation circuit is simulated with an extremum seeking controller to keep the cells
operating at the optimal operating point represented by peak air recovery. It is assumed that …
operating at the optimal operating point represented by peak air recovery. It is assumed that …
Controlling a Flotation Cell at the Peak Air Recovery Point
Air recovery is the fraction of air that leaves the pulp phase of a flotation cell and reports to
the concentrate. There is a peak in this quantity as cell parameters change, and …
the concentrate. There is a peak in this quantity as cell parameters change, and …
Optimizing Flotation Performance Using Extremum Seeking Control
DA Wepener - 2023 - search.proquest.com
In this dissertation, a flotation circuit is controlled in simulation using an extremum seeking
control (ESC) approach to optimize the flotation performance of the circuit using peak air …
control (ESC) approach to optimize the flotation performance of the circuit using peak air …
АЕ ПЕЛЕВИН - ЗАПИСКИ ГОРНОГО ИНСТИТУТА Учредители …, 2022 - elibrary.ru
Повышение эффективности схем дробления связано с уменьшением крупности
мелкодробленой руды и применением сухой магнитной сепарации дробленой руды …
мелкодробленой руды и применением сухой магнитной сепарации дробленой руды …