A survey of cyber crimes
With the advancement of computer and information technology, cyber crime is now
becoming one of the most significant challenges facing law enforcement organizations …
becoming one of the most significant challenges facing law enforcement organizations …
Experiments on local positioning with Bluetooth
A Kotanen, M Hannikainen… - Proceedings ITCC …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents the design and implementation of the Bluetooth local positioning
application. Positioning is based on received power levels, which are converted to distance …
application. Positioning is based on received power levels, which are converted to distance …
Accountable MapReduce in cloud computing
Z **ao, Y **ao - 2011 IEEE Conference on Computer …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Accountable MapReduce in cloud computing Page 1 Accountable MapReduce in Cloud
Computing Zhifeng **ao and Yang **ao The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0290 …
Computing Zhifeng **ao and Yang **ao The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0290 …
Accountability using flow‐net: design, implementation, and performance evaluation
Y **ao, K Meng, D Takahashi - Security and Communication …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Accountability is a very important topic for computer and networking systems. It helps to
answer questions such as,“What happened?” and,“Who did it?” These two questions are …
answer questions such as,“What happened?” and,“Who did it?” These two questions are …
The terminator: an AI-based framework to handle dependability threats in large-scale distributed systems
KA Alharthi - 2023 - wrap.warwick.ac.uk
With the advent of resource-hungry applications such as scientific simulations and artificial
intelligence (AI), the need for high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure is becoming …
intelligence (AI), the need for high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure is becoming …
Towards understanding the importance of variables in dependable software
M Leeke, A Jhumka - 2010 European Dependable Computing …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A dependable software system contains two important components, namely, error detection
mechanisms and error recovery mechanisms. An error detection mechanism attempts to …
mechanisms and error recovery mechanisms. An error detection mechanism attempts to …
The effect of leaders on the consistency of group behaviour
J Zheng, Y Huang, Y **ao - International Journal of Sensor …, 2012 - inderscienceonline.com
This paper addresses the effects of leaders on the consistency of group behaviour. First, a
mathematical model is established so that the group attempts to reach a common velocity …
mathematical model is established so that the group attempts to reach a common velocity …
Temporal accountability and anonymity in medical sensor networks
The increasing number of elderly patients in the world has lead to various new appliances
and technologies in the modern tele-healthcare platform. One such application is the …
and technologies in the modern tele-healthcare platform. One such application is the …
On the complexity of adding convergence
This paper investigates the complexity of designing Self-Stabilizing (SS) distributed
programs, where an SS program meets two properties, namely closure and convergence …
programs, where an SS program meets two properties, namely closure and convergence …
A methodology for the generation of efficient error detection mechanisms
M Leeke, S Arif, A Jhumka… - 2011 IEEE/IFIP 41st …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A dependable software system must contain error detection mechanisms and error recovery
mechanisms. Software components for the detection of errors are typically designed based …
mechanisms. Software components for the detection of errors are typically designed based …