A review on slow earthquakes in the Japan Trench
Slow earthquakes are episodic slow fault slips. They form a fundamental component of
interplate deformation processes, along with fast, regular earthquakes. Recent …
interplate deformation processes, along with fast, regular earthquakes. Recent …
The subduction plate interface: Rock record and mechanical coupling (from long to short timescales)
Short-and long-term processes at or close to the subduction plate interface (eg, mineral
transformations, fluid release, seismicity and more generally deformation) might be more …
transformations, fluid release, seismicity and more generally deformation) might be more …
MOWLAS: NIED observation network for earthquake, tsunami and volcano
Abstract National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED)
integrated the land observation networks established since the 1995 Kobe earthquake with …
integrated the land observation networks established since the 1995 Kobe earthquake with …
The geophysics, geology and mechanics of slow fault slip
R Bürgmann - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018 - Elsevier
Modern geodetic and seismologic observations describe the behavior of fault slip over a
vast range of spatial and temporal scales. Slip at sub-seismogenic speeds is evident from …
vast range of spatial and temporal scales. Slip at sub-seismogenic speeds is evident from …
Episodic transient deformation revealed by the analysis of multiple GNSS networks in the Noto Peninsula, central Japan
Abstract Since November 30, 2020, an intense seismic swarm and transient deformation
have been continuously observed in the Noto Peninsula, central Japan, which is a non …
have been continuously observed in the Noto Peninsula, central Japan, which is a non …
Laboratory observations of slow earthquakes and the spectrum of tectonic fault slip modes
Slow earthquakes represent an important conundrum in earthquake physics. While regular
earthquakes are catastrophic events with rupture velocities governed by elastic wave speed …
earthquakes are catastrophic events with rupture velocities governed by elastic wave speed …
The precursory phase of large earthquakes
Q Bletery, JM Nocquet - Science, 2023 - science.org
The existence of an observable precursory phase of slip on the fault before large
earthquakes has been debated for decades. Although observations preceding several large …
earthquakes has been debated for decades. Although observations preceding several large …
Slow earthquake scaling reconsidered as a boundary between distinct modes of rupture propagation
The scaling law for slow earthquakes, which is a linear relationship between seismic
moment and duration, was proposed 15 y ago and initiated a debate on the difference in …
moment and duration, was proposed 15 y ago and initiated a debate on the difference in …
Physical applications of GPS geodesy: A review
Geodesy, the oldest science, has become an important discipline in the geosciences, in
large part by enhancing Global Positioning System (GPS) capabilities over the last 35 years …
large part by enhancing Global Positioning System (GPS) capabilities over the last 35 years …
Slow slip near the trench at the Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand
The range of fault slip behaviors near the trench at subduction plate boundaries is critical to
know, as this is where the world's largest, most damaging tsunamis are generated. Our …
know, as this is where the world's largest, most damaging tsunamis are generated. Our …